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The End Quotes

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You don’t get a trophy after halftime. We don’t look at the scoreboard until the end of the game  (The End Quotes) I had never really understood what an adventure life could be, if you followed your heart and did what you really wanted to do, which is what we must all do in the end  (The End Quotes) In the end, it’s not what we keep our children from that will save them. It’s what we put into them in the first place  (The End Quotes) Anything that we scientists can do to weaken the hold of religion, should be done and may, in fact, in the end, be our greatest contribution to civilization  (The End Quotes) We have only to keep the end in view, and have our hearts thoroughly engaged in the pursuit of it, and means will not be very difficult  (The End Quotes) A happy ending isn’t really the end. It’s just the place where you choose to stop telling the story  (The End Quotes) Once you know the end of the story, every part of the story contains that end, and is only a way of reaching it  (The End Quotes) I want the unobtainable. Other artists paint a bridge, a house, a boat, and that’s the end. They are finished. I want to paint the air which surrounds the bridge, the house, the boat, the beauty of the air in which these objects are located, and that is nothing short of impossible  (The End Quotes) Pivoting is not the end of the disruption process, but the beginning of the next leg of your journey  (The End Quotes) Everybody is going to have a point in their life when they can’t see any brightness at the end of the tunnel…but there always is…you just have to keep on fighting  (The End Quotes) My mom just died. We blink and another decade passes. I don’t want to reach the end of my life and regret not having given my days everything in me to make them worthwhile  (The End Quotes) The fundamental issue is one of emphasis: you are not a photographer because you are interested in photography... The reason is that photography is only a tool, a vehicle, for expressing or transmitting a passion in something else. It is not the end result  (The End Quotes) I reduced painting to its logical conclusion and exhibited three canvases: red, blue, and yellow. I affirmed: this is the end of painting  (The End Quotes) What’s the use of having developed a science well enough to make predictions if, in the end, all we’re willing to do is stand around and wait for them to come true?  (The End Quotes) Finnish is not a language, it is a way of setting at the end of the bench with your fur cap pulled over your ears  (The End Quotes) Don’t wait for a better world. Start now to create a world of harmony and peace. It is up to you, and it always has been. You may even find the solution at the end of your fork  (The End Quotes) Everybody isn’t your friend. Just because they hang around you and laugh with you doesn’t mean they’re for you. Just because they say they got got your back, doesn’t mean they won’t stab you in it. People pretend well. Jealousy sometimes doesn’t live far. So know your circle. At the end of the day real situations expose fake people so pay attention  (The End Quotes) Sometimes all you’ve accomplished by the end of the day is to have maneuvered your body through space without grave incident  (The End Quotes) In the end, to ski is to travel fast and free – free over untouched snow country. To be bound to one slope, even one mountain, by a lift may be convenient but it robs us of the greatest pleasure that skiing can give, that is to travel through the wide wintery country; to follow the lure of peaks which tempt on the horizon and to be alone for a few days or even hours in clear, mysterious surroundings  (The End Quotes) World is a divine play. At the beginning and at the end, we are the same  (The End Quotes) If we do not suffer a loss all the way to the end, it will wait for us. It won’t just dissipate and disappear. Rather, it will fester, and we will experience its sorrow later, in stranger forms  (The End Quotes) To err is to wander, and wandering is the way we discover the world; and, lost in thought, it is also the way we discover ourselves. Being right might be gratifying, but in the end it is static, a mere statement. Being wrong is hard and humbling, and sometimes even dangerous, but in the end it is a journey, and a story  (The End Quotes) Here is a fact: someday you will die. What will you do with this incredible gift that is your life? Do you want to get to the end of the road and wish you had strived more, accomplished more, and loved more? To do these things you will have to take chances, demonstrate courage, and commit in a way that allows you to be flexible but never allows you to quit on yourself  (The End Quotes) This is what I want everyone to experience at the end of my concert... everyone has this sense of rejoicing. I don’t want them to be blown away by what I do, I want them to have this sense of real, real joy from the depths of their being. Because I think when you take them to that place, then you open up a place where grace can come in  (The End Quotes) At the end of the day, we can endure much more than we think we can  (The End Quotes) I never thought I’d be successful. It seems in my own mind that in everything I’ve undertaken I’ve never quite made the mark. But I’ve always been able to put disappointments aside. Success isn’t about the end result; it’s about what you learn along the way  (The End Quotes) Reinvent your business constantly. The end goal may be the same, but the tools and methods are constantly evolving  (The End Quotes) It’s easier to have courage and trust the process when you feel you’re making headway. Mastery is not persistence when you see a light at the end of the tunnel. True mastery is persistence when you don’t yet see the light  (The End Quotes) Love is like a roller coaster. It can take you to the highest, most spectacular heights or drop you to bottom in seconds. However, even with the risks, love is undoubtedly worth it in the end  (The End Quotes) Once I gave up the hunt for villains, I had little recourse but to take responsibility for my choices... Needless to say, this is far less satisfying that nailing villains. It also turned out to be more healing in the end  (The End Quotes)
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