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The End Quotes

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There’s an old adage that for every second too fast per mile in the first half of the race, you’ll run at least 2 seconds slower at the end  (The End Quotes) The shortcoming of hanging pawns is that they present a convenient target for attack. As the exchange of men proceeds, their potential strength lessens and during the endgame they turn out, as a rule, to be weak  (The End Quotes) We always try to remember that at the end of the day, it’s just cookies. Don’t stress that hard, because it’s a terrible thing to take home with you  (The End Quotes) Most players who play tennis love the game. But I think you also have to respect it. You want to do everything you can in your power to do your best. And for me, I know I get insane guilt if I go home at the end of the day and don’t feel I’ve done everything I can. If I know I could have done something better, I have this uneasy feeling  (The End Quotes) Perhaps we clutch at life only when we have never lived or trusted it. Then death seems the last and greatest defeat, the end of something never felt  (The End Quotes) Life, like any other exciting story, is bound to have painful and scary parts, boring and depressing parts, but it’s a brilliant story, and it’s up to us how it will turn out in the end  (The End Quotes) Do you know what’s one mistake we always make? Believing that life’s immutable, that once you get on a particular track you have to follow it to the end of the line. But it appears that fate has more imagination than we do. Just when you think you’re in a situation you can’t escape from, when you’ve reached the lowest depths of total desperation, everything changes as fast as a gust of wind, everything’s overturned; from one second to the next you find you’re living a new life  (The End Quotes) The beauty of the collage technique is that you’re using sounds that have never met and were never supposed to meet. You introduce them to each other, at first they’re a bit shy, clumsy, staring at their shoes. But you can sense there’s something there. So you cut and paste a little bit and by the end of the song you can spot them in the corner, holding hands  (The End Quotes) I go home at the end of the day and I rarely talk about what I did that day. So my wife’s experience is just like that of anybody else whose husband goes away to a blue collar job and comes home bruised and dirty and often proud of the work that they’re doing  (The End Quotes) The industrial civilisation is based on the consumption of energy resources that are inherently limited in quantity and that are about to become scarce. When they do, competition for what remains will trigger dramatic economic and geopolitical events; in the end, it may be impossible for even a single nation to sustain industrialism as we have know it in the twentieth century  (The End Quotes) I want to say, and this is very important: at the end we lucked out. It was luck that prevented nuclear war. We came that close to nuclear war at the end. Rational individuals: Kennedy was rational; Khrushchev was rational; Castro was rational. Rational individuals came that close to total destruction of their societies. And that danger exists today  (The End Quotes) There are things you do when you’re writing that are so fun to do it’s almost like they’re private jokes that are amusing to you but no one else is going to enjoy them nearly as much and you worry you’re going to have to take them out in the end  (The End Quotes) It’s your 21st birthday... What are you doing sober at the front row of a concert? Is it your 21st birthday? By the end of the night I promise... we will get you drunk, my friend  (The End Quotes) Love isn’t only love, sweetheart. It’s hard work, and trust, and tears, with even a few glimpses of devastation. But at the end of each day, if you can still look at the person at your side and can’t imagine anyone else you’d rather have there, the pain and heartache and the ups and downs of love are worth it  (The End Quotes) In the end, it doesn’t really matter what you paint. It’s all just a routine to connect yourself finally with other people  (The End Quotes) It is not I that am drawing, it is this thing at the end of my hand  (The End Quotes) I think for anyone who’s gone through a crisis, there comes a turning point, an epiphany, that marks the beginning of the end  (The End Quotes) There are things we never tell anyone. We want to but we can’t. So we write them down. Or we paint them. Or we sing about them. It’s our only option. To remember. To attempt to discover the truth. Sometimes we do it to stay alive. These things, they live inside of us. They are the secrets we stash in our pockets and the weapons we carry like guns across our backs. And in the end we have to decide for ourselves when these things are worth fighting for, and when it’s time to throw in the towel  (The End Quotes) You almost believe that you will never come to the end of a roll of tape; and when you do, there is a feeling, nearly, though very briefly, of shock and grief  (The End Quotes) If you take your inspiration from nature, you don’t invent anything, because what you want to do is to interpret something. But still, everything passes throught your imagination. What you produce at the end is very different from the reality you started with  (The End Quotes) Take action. You can either be a passive victim of circumstance or you can be the active hero of your own life. Action is the antidote to apathy and cynicism and despair. You will inevitably make mistakes but at the end of your days, you will be remembered for your gallop, not for your stumble  (The End Quotes) Don’t be afraid of failure. Never fear it because there’s always a lesson if you’re open to it. There’s always a lesson at the end of it. Always  (The End Quotes) In the end, yoga has less to do with what you can do with your body and more to do with the happiness that unfolds from realizing your full potential  (The End Quotes) I am who I am. In the end, I feel that what I’m accountable for is doing a good job as a football coach  (The End Quotes) It isn’t dying I’m afraid of, it isn’t that at all; I know what it is to die, I’ve died already. It is the endless obliteration, the knowledge that there will never be anything else. That’s what I can’t stand, to try so hard and to end in nothing. You know what I mean, don’t you?... I really loved to write  (The End Quotes) You wanted to become a doctor to help people and feel better at the end of your job, I think, watching them, as the nurse takes my hand. But I don’t think you do feel better at the end of the day. You look like humans have constantly disappointed you  (The End Quotes) Candor is the only way I know how to do it. I’m way too old to change. At the end of the day, I believe the truth is stronger than any lie that’s out there  (The End Quotes) Death is the end of a stage, not the end of the journey. The road stretches on beyond our comprehension  (The End Quotes) In a revolution, as in a novel, the most difficult part to invent is the end  (The End Quotes) My legacy is that I stayed on course... from the beginning to the end, because I believed in something inside of me  (The End Quotes)
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