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The End Quotes

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I couldn’t find any meaning for my life when I was out there, I’m sure as hell not going to find it in here. This is the grand finale of a life poorly spent and the end result is just overwhelmingly depressing... it’s just a sick, pathetic, wretched, miserable life story, that’s all it is. How it can help anyone, I’ve no idea  (The End Quotes) Every moral act of love, of mercy, and of sacrifice brings to pass the end of the world where hatred, cruelty, and selfishness reign supreme  (The End Quotes) Up to one’s last breath, one may retain the simple joys of childhood, the poetic ecstasies of the young person, the enthusiasms of maturity. Right to the end, one may intoxicate one’s spirit with flowers, with beauty and with smiles  (The End Quotes) This is the end. This is as far as you can go. After this it all starts over again  (The End Quotes) For a product to really be sustainable, it’s really got to deliver the goods for the end user. That drives the whole rest of the equation  (The End Quotes) This is about the daily ins and outs of a marriage. I don’t want to give away the ending, but they are trying either to make the marriage work or make the separation work. Our job is to make that interesting  (The End Quotes) I see something, find it marvelous, want to try and do it. Whether it fails or whether it comes off in the end becomes secondary... So long as I’ve learned something about why  (The End Quotes) Everyone is free to set up an opinion and to adduce proofs in support of it. Whether, though, a scientist shall find it worth his while to enter into serious investigations of opinions so advanced is a question which his reason and instinct alone can decide. If these things, in the end, should turn out to be true, I shall not be ashamed of being the last to believe them  (The End Quotes) If you take any flower you please and look it over and turn it about and smell it and feel it and try to find out all its little secrets, not of flower only but of leaf, bud and stem as well, you will discover many wonderful things. This is how you make friends with plants, and very good friends you will find them to the end of our lives  (The End Quotes) A beginning must be made somewhere and corner by corner, department by department, space by space, all will be known and conquered. In the end, all must be explored, and whether one begins in the east or the west cannot matter much. The big concern is the extent to which a man offers himself, mind and body, to his worthwhile work. Upon that will growth depend  (The End Quotes) Being a fan doesn’t mean being there from the start... It means being there till the end  (The End Quotes) And that’s what got me to the piano, that’s what got me up in the morning: a blank piece of paper and a hope to have something by the end of the day  (The End Quotes) Conceive. That is the word that means both the beginning in imagination and the end in creation  (The End Quotes) Evil is short lived. Never judge of the whole round of life by the mere segment you can see. The whole is, in the end, perfect  (The End Quotes) Tasting is an act of pleasure and writing about that pleasure is an artistic gesture, but the only true work of art, in the end, is another person’s feast  (The End Quotes) We scored a goal and defended until the end with great spirit. We have a lot of young players and I hope we can keep on like this  (The End Quotes) At the end, the key thing is you’ve got to live with yourself. That’s the real test. Everything else is fleeting  (The End Quotes) See yourself as a pioneer in a new world. We are not facing the end of the world, as some would have us believe, but the greatest adventure of our lives. We have the unique opportunity to write a new chapter in the history of humankind, to be active participants in shaping a new world  (The End Quotes) A great designer does not seek acceptance. He challenges popularity, and by the force of his convictions renders popular in the end what the public hates at first sight  (The End Quotes) One man with truth on his side is stronger than a majority in error, and will conquer in the end  (The End Quotes) I think hope is not simply looking around and saying that everything’s great – that’s just ridiculous. For hope to have substance, it has to acknowledge the pain. But hope is saying that’s not the final story. It’s not saying pain doesn’t exist, but it’s saying there’s not a period at the end of that sentence. It’s still being written  (The End Quotes) In the end, it’s not gonna matter if you have a few scars, but it will matter if you didn’t live  (The End Quotes) At the end of the day, what I cherish most are the human relationships. With the unfailing support of my wife and partner I have lived my life to the fullest. It is the friendships I made and the close family ties I nurtured that have provided me with that sense of satisfaction at a life well lived, and have made me what I am  (The End Quotes) In the end I would always pull up with a sense of glory, that loving is the strong side. It’s feeble to be an object. What’s the point of being loved in return, I’d ask myself  (The End Quotes) At the end of our lives we hope we will look back and, like an incense stick completely burned away, will have poured forth all our fragrance into the world  (The End Quotes) Despite all the types of rejection, the most important part is to keep on moving forward and to not give up. If things are getting bad, take a break and seek out people for their opinion on what you may do to improve your presentation. In the end, it is all a numbers game and it does become a lot easier. It stops becoming this big ordeal and is just part of the job  (The End Quotes) I was at the front for thirteen months, and by the end of that time the sharpest perceptions had become dulled, the greatest words mean  (The End Quotes) In the end, it’s not about failure, it’s about how much you love what you do  (The End Quotes) Snobbery might sometimes look cool, like smoking, but the end result is usually a repelling one  (The End Quotes) I hate the fact you always feel like you have to be going somewhere, like the end destination is to be finished, or to be happy. But the truth is a lot of us are completely lost, and we don’t know, and that is also a state of mind, to not know who you are and where you’re going  (The End Quotes)
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