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The End Quotes

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It’s the past, it’s behind us, and that’s the end of it  (The End Quotes) The only things that are really permanent are love, family, friendship, and that is a lesson. At the end of the day, that’s really what it boils down to. The rest of it is just stuff  (The End Quotes) It’s easy: You simply follow the trail of your time, your affection, your energy, your money, and your allegiance. At the end of that trail you’ll find a throne; and whatever, or whoever, is on that throne is what’s of highest value to you. On that throne is what you worship  (The End Quotes) We soon cease to feel the grief at the deaths of our friends, yet we continue to the end of our lives to miss them. They are still with us in their absence  (The End Quotes) What if someone hurts you with a weapon? Wait. Think it over. You probably feel angry. That’s normal. But wasn’t it the stick striking your body that hurt you? Can you be angry at the stick? Of course not. Should you be angry at the wielder of the stick? Wouldn’t it make more sense to be angry at the hatred in the mind of the stick wielder? If you think about it, isn’t the end of hatred in the world what you want most of all? Why, then, would you add to it by giving energy to your anger? After all, it will pass on its own if left alone, especially if you respond to it with compassion  (The End Quotes) I think the reason people investigate the paranormal is because we are trying to overcome the mystery of death. That in and of itself is something that lives within every living person, everybody. We all experience death and we are forced to find out if that is just the end, which it is not. So what we do is, when we are experiencing a situation that maybe scary, it’s almost now a sense of relief  (The End Quotes) You can’t ever get everything you want. It is impossible. Luckily, there is another option: You can learn to control your mind, to step outside of the endless cycle of desire and aversion  (The End Quotes) You have to understand, in this fight, the physical condition and technical preparation are not as important as character and will. The one who’s willing to go until the end will win the match  (The End Quotes) You see heaven isn’t some place that we go to when we die. It’s that split second in life where you actually feel alive, and until the end of time, we chase the memory of that, hoping the future holds something better than the past  (The End Quotes) I would tell most young people that in life you can go through many difficulties, but if you know what you want to do, if you can focus, and work, then in the end, you will end up doing it. No matter what happens, if you don’t give up, you will still succeed  (The End Quotes) Aren’t we all animals at the end of the day? I like to show that side of me, but in a respectful way. I’m just expressing myself. It’s all about feeling good and confident about yourself, and not letting anyone else tell you what you can or can’t do  (The End Quotes) If you’re at the end of your rope... untie the knot in your heart  (The End Quotes) The whole point of diaries is that other people find them and read what you’ve put. I did once take to writing my inner thoughts on the computer at the end of other things I was writing and ended up faxing four pages of hideous stuff to my accountant so I don’t do that now  (The End Quotes) We all lead more pedestrian lives than we think we do. The boiling of an egg is sometimes more important than the boiling of a love affair in the end  (The End Quotes) My goal has always been to play golf, and play it well. In the end, that’s what I am, a golfer. If my back lets me, I’m going to play my favorite places. If I hurt myself, that’ll probably be it for a while  (The End Quotes) I feel, in the end, as if everything I’ve done has been a failure  (The End Quotes) Words should be employed as the means, not the end; language is the instrument, conviction is the work  (The End Quotes) We may be reaching the end of the era in which individual movies meant something to people. In the new era, movies may just mean a barrage of images  (The End Quotes) When you can see the end of things even in their beginnings, there’s no more hope, unless you want to pretend, or forget, or get drunk or something  (The End Quotes) Sometimes our thoughts turn back toward a corner in a forest, or the end of a bank, or an orchard powdered with flowers, seen but a single time on some happy day, yet remaining in our hearts and leaving in soul and body an unappeased desire which is not to be forgotten, a feeling that we have just rubbed elbows with happiness  (The End Quotes) That to me is a bunch of crap trying to shoot guys up into damned space. What they’re going to do is they’re going to wipe out half a dozen people one of these days, and that will be the end of it  (The End Quotes) At the end of the day government is about teamwork and partnership and we will be proving that by working together  (The End Quotes) I think the end is endless. It’s either a big black hole or a big white light or both together. But it’s totally meaningless, because even if someone would explain it, I wouldn’t understand it  (The End Quotes) In the end, it is because the media are driven by the power and wealth of private individuals that they turn private lives into public spectacles. If every private life is now potentially public property, it is because private property has undermined public responsibility  (The End Quotes) In the end, the humanities can only be defended by stressing how indispensable they are; and this means insisting on their vital role in the whole business of academic learning, rather than protesting that, like some poor relation, they don’t cost much to be housed  (The End Quotes) I’m always cautious about overstepping any boundaries. At the end of the day, it’s a director’s medium, and if they don’t want to hear from me I just step back  (The End Quotes) A novel that features real people is complicated, but in the end, that extra challenge is all for the good  (The End Quotes) I wanted to be an actor, and when that day happened that was sort of like the end. Now let it take me  (The End Quotes) I have more energy at the end than I do at the beginning. You can be so beat up that you can scarcely walk on stage but when you get to the piano the excitement kicks in, you forget about being tired  (The End Quotes) I want to be remembered as an actor who put in some good work in the beginning of his career, even better work at the end of his career and slowly, successfully made the transition into writing and directing  (The End Quotes)
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