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The End Quotes

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A picture is finished when all trace of the means used to bring about the end has disappeared  (The End Quotes) The strong do not hesitate. They settle down, they sweat, they go on to the end. They exhaust the ink, they use up the paper  (The End Quotes) When life is unhappy it is hard to endure, when it is happy it is terrible to think of it ending. Both amount to the same thing in the end  (The End Quotes) The nearer I approach the end, the plainer I hear around me the immortal symphonies of the worlds which invite me. It is marvelous, yet simple  (The End Quotes) If we are but sure the end is right, we are too apt to gallop over all bounds to compass it; not considering the lawful ends may be very unlawfully attained  (The End Quotes) Man is an intellectual animal, and therefore an everlasting contradiction to himself. His senses centre in himself, his ideas reach to the ends of the universe; so that he is torn in pieces between the two, without a possibility of its ever being otherwise  (The End Quotes) I’ve taken off two months, three months at a time, and, by the end, I get really squirrelly. My night life, my dream life, gets extremely populated and crazed  (The End Quotes) Success, which is something so simple in the end, is made up of thousands of things, we never fully know what  (The End Quotes) Regarding the idea of race,.. no agreement seems to exist about what race means. Race seems to embody a fact as simple and as obvious as the noonday sun, but if that is so, why the endless wrangling about the idea and the facts of race. What is a race? How can it be recognized? Who constitute the several races?  (The End Quotes) This is the sacrifice: the endless possibility that is offered up on the altar of the form  (The End Quotes) I frequently lock myself in my studio. I do not often see the people I love, and in the end I shall suffer for it... painting is one’s private life  (The End Quotes) My own experience is that once a story has been written, one has to cross out the beginning and the end. It is there that we authors do most of our lying... one must ruthlessly suppress everything that is not concerned with the subject. If, in the first chapter, you say there is a gun hanging on the wall, you should make quite sure that it is going to be used further on in the story  (The End Quotes) Every building you come out of, there is a parasite there exercising his constitutional right to make money out of being a parasite, trying to take your photo. Frankly, folks, I go to work, I do my job. I really concentrate, and if you go to the cinema, pay your money and have a good time. That’s the end of it, as far as I’m concerned  (The End Quotes) I haven’t many years left ahead of me and I must devote all my time to painting, in the hope of achieving something worthwhile in the end, something if possible that will satisfy me  (The End Quotes) Next to occupation is the building up of good taste. That is difficult, slow work. Few achieve it. It means all the difference in the world in the end  (The End Quotes) You throw a perfectly straight line at the audience and then, right at the end, you curve it. Good jokes do that  (The End Quotes) Life becomes meaningful and all activities are purposeful only on the basis of faith in the enduring reality  (The End Quotes) It is impossible to describe any human action if one does not refer to the meaning the actor sees in the stimulus as well as in the end his response is aiming at  (The End Quotes) What could be more interesting, or in the end, more ecstatic, than in those rare moments when you see another person look at something you’ve made, and realize that they got it exactly, that your heart jumped to their heart with nothing in between  (The End Quotes) In the end I realize that whatever meaning that picture has is the accumulated meaning of ten thousand brushstrokes, each one being decided as it was painted  (The End Quotes) Students work in schools making life studies for years, win prizes for life studies and find in the end that they know practically nothing of the human figure. They have acquired the ability to copy  (The End Quotes) The fear of seeing ourselves as we are ensures we will never see the end of our fears  (The End Quotes) The way to form transcends its own destination, goes beyond the end of the way itself  (The End Quotes) I will not step down, I will not resign,... I will work to the end of my term in office under the constitution. In the year 2000, there will be presidential elections under the constitution and I will not run in those elections  (The End Quotes) It takes risks to achieve. It’s often scary. It requires something you didn’t know before or a skill you didn’t have before. But in the end, it’s worth it  (The End Quotes) We will never forget that blessing. It was the most pained and moving blessing, which left us with the extreme testimony of his will to complete his ministry until the end  (The End Quotes) When I am writing, I focus one hundred percent on my writing. Then, by the time I’m half way through the book, I’m already thinking about the ending  (The End Quotes) I believe that if you have faith in your own abilities then in the end others will have faith in them too, even if they need a little persuading  (The End Quotes) Where do you put a form? It will move all around, bellow out and shrink, and sometimes it winds up where it was in the first place. But at the end it feels different, and it had to make the voyage. I am a moralist and cannot accept what has not been paid for, or a form that has not been lived through  (The End Quotes) And at the end of the day, I just want my work to speak for itself  (The End Quotes)
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