The fire you kindle for your enemy often burns you more than him

The fire you kindle for your enemy often burns you more than him
The proverb "The fire you kindle for your enemy often burns you more than him" serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of seeking revenge or causing harm to others. It highlights the idea that when we set out to harm someone else, we often end up hurting ourselves in the process.When we harbor feelings of anger, resentment, or hatred towards another person, it can consume us from the inside out. The negative emotions we hold onto can eat away at our peace of mind, causing us stress, anxiety, and even physical health problems. In this way, the fire we kindle for our enemy can burn us more than it does them, as we are the ones who suffer the most from holding onto negative emotions.
Furthermore, seeking revenge or causing harm to others can have unintended consequences that come back to haunt us. When we engage in destructive behavior towards others, we may find ourselves facing backlash or retaliation from them or others who are affected by our actions. This can lead to a cycle of violence and harm that only serves to perpetuate more suffering for all involved.