The Future Quotes

Text Quotes
The continued existence of wildlife and wilderness is important to the quality of life of humans. Our challenge for the future is that we realize we are very much a part of the earth’s ecosystem, and we must learn to respect and live according to the basic biological laws of nature (The Future Quotes)
In particular, for younger researchers on whom the future of mankind may depend. We believe that they are working with all the scientific wisdom at their disposal for the preservation of the inheritance of the earth and for the lasting survival of mankind (The Future Quotes)
My thoughts will be taken up with the future or the past, with what is to come or what has been. Of the present there is necessarily no image (The Future Quotes)
When I had challenges, it taught me to be more on top of it for the future.Things go wrong all the time when you’re running your own business, but it’s how you perceive it and deal with it that matters (The Future Quotes)
You know when you’re young you think you will always be. As you become more fragile, you reflect and you realize how much comfort can come from the past. Hymns can carry you into the future (The Future Quotes)
I’m totally not a nostalgic person. I always look to the future and as much as I’ve enjoyed the ride until now and the different phases, I’m more excited about the next music (The Future Quotes)
Cartooning is a wonderful career, and I’d like more women to get to have it. I can’t think of any reason why we won’t see more syndicated female cartoonists in the future (The Future Quotes)
Cutting up fowl to predict the future is, if done honestly and with as little interpretation as possible, a kind of randomization. But chicken guts are hard to read and invite flights of fancy or corruption (The Future Quotes)
A coldly rationalist individualist can deny that he has any obligation to make sacrifices for the future (The Future Quotes)
It’s nice to establish yourself as an actor first and a singer second. Proof is such a tremendous piece of work, and I’m incredibly lucky to be a part of it. I’m sure that the musicals will happen in the future, though (The Future Quotes)
Our awesome responsibility to ourselves, to our children, and to the future is to create ourselves in the image of goodness, because the future depends on the nobility of our imaginings (The Future Quotes)
If we can’t begin to agree on fundamentals, such as the elimination of the most abusive forms of child labor, then we really are not ready to march forward into the future (The Future Quotes)
The prudent course is to make an investment in learning, testing and understanding, determine how the new concepts compare to how you now operate and thoughtfully determine how they apply to what you want to achieve in the future (The Future Quotes)
If we’re going to create the best business climate to create higher paying jobs and retain our young people, we’re going to have to build a workforce prepared for the opportunities of the future (The Future Quotes)
The most important thing about global warming is this. Whether humans are responsible for the bulk of climate change is going to be left to the scientists, but it’s all of our responsibility to leave this planet in better shape for the future generations than we found it (The Future Quotes)
It is my firm belief that I have a link with the past and a responsibility to the future. I cannot give up. I cannot despair. There’s a whole future, generations to come. I have to keep trying (The Future Quotes)
Most creative work is a process of people passing ideas and inspirations from the past into the future and adding their own creativity along the way (The Future Quotes)
For me, this world of questions and the provisional, this chase after an answer that was always put off to the next day, all that was euphoric. I lived in the future (The Future Quotes)
I cannot in good conscience ask my colleagues to expend precious time and energy defending or explaining my past. We need all hands on deck, fighting for the future (The Future Quotes)
More is required of public officials than slogans and handshakes and press releases. More is required. We must hold ourselves strictly accountable. We must provide the people with a vision of the future (The Future Quotes)
You can’t plan for the future, because some guy’s going to land in a spaceship with three heads and a big beak and take over everything (The Future Quotes)
Yesterday’s the past, tomorrow’s the future, but today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present (The Future Quotes)
I had been feeling a little rum. I didn’t think it was anything serious because years ago I felt a lump and it was benign. I assumed this would be too. It kind of takes the wind out of your sails, and I don’t know what the future holds, if anything (The Future Quotes)
Instead of causing us to remember the past like the old monuments, the new monuments seem to cause us to forget the future (The Future Quotes)
Kids are meeting in coffee shops and basements figuring out what’s unsustainable in their communities. That’s the future (The Future Quotes)
I found, when I left, that there were others who felt the same way. We’d meet, they’d come and seek me out, we’d talk about the future. And I found that their depression and pessimism was every bit as acute as mine (The Future Quotes)
I’ve accomplished everything a person can accomplish on a basketball court, but I never thought about the future when I was younger. I never made plans for the next stage in my life (The Future Quotes)
Architects today tend to depreciate themselves, to regard themselves as no more than just ordinary citizens without the power to reform the future (The Future Quotes)
And as we continue to improve our understanding of the basic science on which applications increasingly depend, material benefits of this and other kinds are secured for the future (The Future Quotes)
If we care about the children, the grandchildren, the future generations, we need to make sure that they do not become the cannon fodder of the future (The Future Quotes)