The Future Quotes

Text Quotes
When we protect the places where the processes of life can flourish, we strengthen not only the future of medicine, agriculture and industry, but also the essential conditions for peace and prosperity (The Future Quotes)
Tshe suffering of adversity does not degrade you but exalts you. Human tribulation teaches you; it does not destroy you. The more we are afflicted in this world, the greater is our assurance for the next. The more we sorrow in the present,.. the greater will be our joy in the future (The Future Quotes)
She’d have to propel herself into the future by whatever means possible or she’d be trapped forever in a place whose times had already passed (The Future Quotes)
I would like the church to be a place where the questions of people are honored rather than a place where we have all the answers. The church has to get out of propaganda. The future will involve us in more interfaith dialogue... We cannot say we have the only truth (The Future Quotes)
Some of the best lessons we ever learn we learn from our mistakes and failures. The error of the past is the wisdom of the future (The Future Quotes)
If we seek the real source of the dance, if we go to nature, we find that the dance of the future is the dance of the past, the dance of eternity, and has been and always will be the same... The movement of waves, of winds, of the earth is ever the same lasting harmony (The Future Quotes)
The dancer of the future will be one whose body and soul have grown so harmoniously together that the natural language of the soul will have become the movement of the body (The Future Quotes)
Live in the present and shape the future, do not be casting lingering looks to the distant past for the past has passed away, never again to return (The Future Quotes)
Intellectual beauty is sufficient unto itself, and only for it rather than for the future good of humanity does the scholar condemn himself to arduous and painful labors (The Future Quotes)
People talk about the businesses of the future needing to be more agile and more responsive if they are to be successful. But this requires a deep change in the way organisations work (The Future Quotes)
The next horizon will be deep integration of the physical and interactive worlds. The future of online is offline (The Future Quotes)
We are working towards a shared vision of the future for health among all the world’s people. A vision future in which we develop new ways of working together at global and national level. A vision which has poor people and poor communities at its centre. And a vision which focuses action on the causes and consequences of the health conditions that create and perpetuate poverty (The Future Quotes)
The bandstand is an incredible space. It is really a sacred space. One of the things that is really sacred about it is that you have no opportunity to think about the future, or the past (The Future Quotes)
Let him avoid,the acquisition of wealth and,the gratification of his desires, if they are opposed to the sacred law, and even lawful acts which may cause pain in the future or are offensive to men (The Future Quotes)
My mother... had a very deep inner spirituality that allowed her to rebuild her life. It’s extraordinary that she had such a strong sense of self and such a commitment to the future and such a strong creative sense that she could build new worlds for herself and for us out of the total devastation in her life (The Future Quotes)
If there were a prerequisite for the future successful digital creative, it would be the passion for discovery (The Future Quotes)
If you really want to know about the future, don’t ask a technologist, a scientist, a physicist. No! Don’t ask somebody who’s writing code. No, if you want to know what society’s going to be like in 20 years, ask a kindergarten teacher (The Future Quotes)
The scientific doctrine of progress is destined to replace not only the myth of progress, but all other myths of human earthly destiny. It will inevitably become one of the cornerstones of man’s theology, or whatever may be the future substitute for theology, and the most important external support for human ethics (The Future Quotes)
Workers must root out the idea that by keeping the results of their labors to themselves a fortune will be assured to them. Patent fees are so much wasted money. The flying machine of the future will not be born fully fledged and capable of a flight for 1,000 miles or so. Like everything else it must be evolved gradually. The first difficulty is to get a thing that will fly at all. When this is made, a full description should be published as an aid to others. Excellence of design and workmanship will always defy competition (The Future Quotes)
Fashion anticipates, and elegance is a state of mind... a mirror of the time in which we live, a translation of the future, and should never be static (The Future Quotes)
You are constantly changing and evolving through your experiences, how you interpret your experiences, and how you choose to do things in the future based on those experiences (The Future Quotes)
No research will answer all queries that the future may raise. It is wiser to praise the work for what it has accomplished and then to formulate the problems still to be solved (The Future Quotes)
Today’s religion will be the future’s mythology. Both believed at one time by many; but proved wrong by the clever (The Future Quotes)
I’m making tapes for insomniacs to use in the future. I’m going to sell them as a kit to cure insomnia (The Future Quotes)
I would like to appeal to all those in whose hands the future of mankind lies, to use their power not to destroy or kill, nor to create suffering in a grasping search for selfish objectives, but to help alleviate the plight of the needy; to aim at justice and freedom for the individual (The Future Quotes)
I can’t really do anything about the past and all I can do is just embrace the future and try to make the most of the present. So I’m really trying to do that and doing my best every day (The Future Quotes)
When I look out in the future, I can’t imagine a world, 500 years from now, where we don’t have robots everywhere (The Future Quotes)
Half the interest of a garden is the constant exercise of the imagination. You are always living three, or indeed six, months hence. I believe that people entirely devoid of imagination never can be really good gardeners. To be content with the present, and not striving about the future, is fatal (The Future Quotes)
Do not be attached to the past or wait for the future. Be grateful for each day, that is enough. I do not believe in a future world, I deny the past. I believe entirely in the present. Employ your entire body and mind in the eternal now (The Future Quotes)
Everything starts with faith. Faith causes us to see good things in the future, and because of this we develop a vision of success and prosperity in life (The Future Quotes)