The gain of lying is nothing else but not to be trusted of any, nor to be believed when we speak the truth

Lying QuotesTo Be QuotesBe Trusted QuotesThe Truth QuotesSpeak The Truth QuotesWalter Raleigh Quotes
The gain of lying is nothing else but not to be trusted of any, nor to be believed when we speak the truth
Sir Walter Raleigh was a prominent figure in the court of Queen Elizabeth I of England, known for his military prowess, exploration of the New World, and his involvement in various political intrigues. He was also known for his eloquence and wit, often using his words to manipulate and deceive those around him. The quote, “The gain of lying is nothing else but not to be trusted of any, nor to be believed when we speak the truth,” perfectly encapsulates Raleigh’s approach to politics and diplomacy.Raleigh understood the power of deception and manipulation in gaining and maintaining influence at court. He knew that by lying and deceiving others, he could achieve his goals and protect his own interests. However, he also understood the consequences of being caught in a lie – once his deceit was exposed, he would lose the trust and credibility of those around him. This loss of trust would make it difficult for him to achieve his objectives and would undermine his ability to influence others.
Raleigh’s reputation for deceit and manipulation ultimately led to his downfall. Despite his many accomplishments and contributions to the English court, he was eventually convicted of treason and sentenced to death. His reputation as a liar and manipulator had caught up with him, and he was no longer trusted or believed by those in power.