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The Great Quotes

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Education is the great equalizer, and shouldn’t be limited to the wealthiest few  (The Great Quotes) The larger the corporation, the greater the risk that you are flying blind  (The Great Quotes) You can have the greatest strategy in the world but what is the point if no one cares?  (The Great Quotes) Communism has been the greatest and bloodiest illusion that humanity ever bore  (The Great Quotes) Women are the ones that bear the greatest burden. We are also the ones who nurture societies  (The Great Quotes) One of the greatest superstitions of our time is the belief that it has none  (The Great Quotes) The great philosophers are poets who believe in the reality of their poems  (The Great Quotes) Beginnings are apt to be shadowy and so it is the beginnings of the great mother life, the sea  (The Great Quotes) The greatest natural resource that any country can have is its children  (The Great Quotes) We ask for nothing that is not right, and herein lies the great power of our demand  (The Great Quotes) The greatest efforts in sports came when the mind is as still as a glass lake  (The Great Quotes) For me, reading was always the great escape without getting your fingers burnt  (The Great Quotes) The greatest luxury of riches is that they enable you to escape so much good advice  (The Great Quotes) Films are amazing. To be a part of a movie is the greatest. It’s so historic and exciting  (The Great Quotes) The greatest Americans have not been born yet they are waiting patiently for the past to die  (The Great Quotes) It is one of the great joys of home ownership to fire a pistol in one’s own bedroom  (The Great Quotes) Dogs are great. Bad dogs, if you can really call them that, are perhaps the greatest of them all  (The Great Quotes) It is the great arrogance of the present to forget the intelligence of the past  (The Great Quotes) It seems to me it’s always the evil we refuse to see that does us the greatest harm  (The Great Quotes) The great thing about unrequited love is it’s the only kind that lasts  (The Great Quotes) The greatest derangement of the mind is to believe in something because one wishes it to be so  (The Great Quotes) To see someone you love, in a bad setting, is one of the great barometers of gratitude  (The Great Quotes) ... besides love, independence of thought is the greatest gift an adult can give a child  (The Great Quotes) The greatest antidote in the world for grief is work, and the necessity of work  (The Great Quotes) Often, the greater our ignorance about something, the greater our resistance to change  (The Great Quotes) Reading well is one of the greatest pleasures that solitude can afford you  (The Great Quotes) A person with taste is merely one who can recognize the greatest beauty in the simplest things  (The Great Quotes) The people with the most fear have the greatest opportunity to be brave  (The Great Quotes) I know. I was there. I saw the great void in your soul, and you saw mine  (The Great Quotes) Whom the gods notice they destroy. Be small... and you will escape the jealousy of the great  (The Great Quotes)
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