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The Great Quotes

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I grasped the meaning of the greatest secret that human poetry and human thought and belief have to impart: The salvation of man is through love and in love  (The Great Quotes) The great thing about suicide is that it's not one of those things you have to do now or you lose your chance. I mean, you can always do it later  (The Great Quotes) His calumny is not only the greatest benefit a rogue can confer on us, but the only service he will perform for nothing  (The Great Quotes) Beware of biting jests; the more truth they carry with them, the greater wounds they give, the greater smarts they cause, and the greater scars they leave behind them  (The Great Quotes) Said the self-righteous preacher, what, in your judgment, is the greatest sin in the world? That of the person who sees other human beings as sinners, said the master  (The Great Quotes) I'm proud to play for Real Madrid because I have fun; when you no longer have fun it's a sign that it's time to leave. For now though, I'm happy here at the greatest club in the world  (The Great Quotes) After dating for five years, my relationship with Irina Shayk has come to an end. We believed it would be best for both of us to take this step now. I wish Irina the greatest happiness  (The Great Quotes) Is it folly to believe in something that is intangible? After all, some of the greatest intangibles are love, hope, and wonder. Another is deity. The choice to be a fool is yours  (The Great Quotes) Fear isn't only a guide to keep us safe; it's also a manipulative emotion that can trick us into living a boring life … the great stories go to those who don't give in to fear  (The Great Quotes) God hath prepared a little coronet or special reward (extraordinary and beside the great crown of all faithful souls) for those who have not defiled themselves with women  (The Great Quotes) Nothing is greater or more fearful sacrilege than to prostitute the great name of God to the petulancy of an idle tongue  (The Great Quotes) The greatest talkers in the days of peace have been the most pusillanimous in the day of temptation  (The Great Quotes) I don't see myself as the Great Black Hope. I'm just a golfer who happens to be black and Asian. It doesn't matter whether they're white, black, brown or green  (The Great Quotes) The great majority of men, especially in France, both desire and possess a fashionable woman, much in the way one might own a fine horse - as a luxury befitting a young man  (The Great Quotes) In what I like to call the Great Asymmetry, every spectacular incident of evil will be balanced by 10,000 acts of kindness, too often unnoted and invisible  (The Great Quotes) We who revel in nature's diversity and feel instructed by every animal tend to brand Homo sapiens as the greatest catastrophe since the Cretaceous extinction  (The Great Quotes) Desire is poverty. Desire is the greatest impurity of the mind. Desire is the motive force for action. Desire in the mind is the real impurity. Even a spark of desire is a very great evil  (The Great Quotes) Individual peace paves the way for world peace. The attainment of inner calm is the greatest work you can do for humanity  (The Great Quotes) Why do you read many books? The great book is within your heart. Open the pages of this inexhaustible book, the source of all knowledge. You will know everything  (The Great Quotes) Our very business is to teach the great lesson of self-denial and humility to our people, and how unfit is it then that we should be proud ourselves!  (The Great Quotes) But I knew one more thing. That people w ho denied who they were or where they had been were in the greatest danger  (The Great Quotes) Being compared to Ian Thorpe, that could be one of the greatest compliments you could ever get in swimming - being compared to him and Mark Spitz  (The Great Quotes) I was too green to know that all cynicism masks a failure to cope - an impotence, in short and to despise all effort is the greatest effort of all  (The Great Quotes) It's what I learn from the great actors that I work with. Stillness. That's all and that's the hardest thing  (The Great Quotes) Larry Bird is overrated in a lot of areas.... Why does he get so much publicity? Because he's white. You never hear about a black player being the greatest  (The Great Quotes) The great lesson my mother and father gave me was almost invisible. It was a strong sense of being rooted  (The Great Quotes) I suppose that the media and their portrayal of Islam and the almost tribal separations and divisions of the Muslims are the greatest issues confronting Muslims in the United Kingdom  (The Great Quotes) The great challenge of the twenty-first century is to raise people everywhere to a decent standard of living while preserving as much of the rest of life as possible  (The Great Quotes) In the attempt to make scientific discoveries, every problem is an opportunity - and the more difficult the problem, the greater will be the importance of its solution  (The Great Quotes) If you love, you will suffer. The only way to protect yourself against suffering is to protect yourself against love - and that is the greatest suffering of all, loneliness  (The Great Quotes)
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