The Mind Quotes

Text Quotes
The Revolution was effected before the war commenced. The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people (The Mind Quotes)
Desire is poverty. Desire is the greatest impurity of the mind. Desire is the motive force for action. Desire in the mind is the real impurity. Even a spark of desire is a very great evil (The Mind Quotes)
Rise above the deceptions and temptations of the mind. This is your duty. You are born for this only; all other duties are self-created and self-imposed owing to ignorance (The Mind Quotes)
The mind is like a clock that is constantly running down and must be wound up daily with good thoughts (The Mind Quotes)
The mind is a product of experience. It is the result of past thinking and is modified by present thinking (The Mind Quotes)
The mind is responsible for the feelings of pleasure and pain. Control of the mind is the highest Yoga (The Mind Quotes)
I saw that all things I feared, and which feared me, had nothing good or bad in them save insofar as the mind was affected by them (The Mind Quotes)
A fastidious taste is like a squeamish appetite; the one has its origin in some disease of the mind, as the other has in some ailment of the stomach (The Mind Quotes)
There's something about the rhythm of walking, how, after about an hour and a half, the mind and body can't help getting in sync (The Mind Quotes)
The mind is so rarely disturbed, but that the company of friend will restore it to some degree of tranquility and sedateness (The Mind Quotes)
There is hardly any noble quantity or endowment of the mind but must own temperance, either for its parent or its nurse (The Mind Quotes)
In great families, some one false, paltry, tale bearer, by carrying stories from one to another, shall inflame the minds and discompose the quiet of the whole family (The Mind Quotes)
Cruel of heart, lay down my song. Your reading eyes have done me wrong. Not for you was the pen bitten, and the mind wrung, and the song written (The Mind Quotes)
The universe is a symphony of strings, and the mind of God that Einstein eloquently wrote about for thirty years would be cosmic music resonating through eleven-dimensional hyper space (The Mind Quotes)
We have learned more about the brain in the last fifteen years than in all prior human history, and the mind, once considered out of reach, is finally assuming center stage (The Mind Quotes)
We must avoid fastidiousness; neatness, when it is moderate, is a virtue; but when it is carried to an extreme, it narrows the mind (The Mind Quotes)
Among all the diseases of the mind there is not one more epidemical or more pernicious than the love of flattery (The Mind Quotes)
What should we “do” with the mind in meditation? Nothing. Just leave it, simply, as it is (The Mind Quotes)
Samsara is the mind turned outwardly, lost in its projections. Nirvana is the mind turned inwardly, recognizing its true nature (The Mind Quotes)
Just as the ocean has waves or the sun has rays, so the minds’s own radiance is its thoughts and emotions (The Mind Quotes)
If the mind is not contrived, it is spontaneously blissful, just as water, when not agitated, is by nature transparent and clear (The Mind Quotes)
The definition of mantra is “that which protects the mind.” That which protects the mind from negativity, or that which protects you from your own mind, is called mantra (The Mind Quotes)
The mind that is much elevated and insolent with prosperity, and cast down with adversity, is generally abject and base (The Mind Quotes)
Were I so tall to reach the pole, or grasp the ocean with my span, I must be measured by my soul; the mind’s the standard of the man (The Mind Quotes)
Academical disputation gives vigor and briskness to the mind thus exercised, and relieves the languor of private study and meditation (The Mind Quotes)
When two or three sciences are pursued at the same time if one of them be dry, as logic, let another be more entertaining, to secure the mind from weariness (The Mind Quotes)
Study detains the mind by the perpetual occurrence of something new, which may gratefully strike the imagination (The Mind Quotes)
The calmest and serenest hours of life, when the passions of nature are all silent, and the mind enjoys its most perfect composure (The Mind Quotes)
The attempt to make one false impression on the mind of a friend respecting ourselves is of the nature of perfidy. Sincerity should be observed most scrupulously (The Mind Quotes)
The key, then, to loving God is to see Jesus, to hold him before the mind with as much fullness and clarity as possible. It is to adore him (The Mind Quotes)