The Natural Quotes

Text Quotes
When you are surrounded by something so big that requires you to change everything about the way you think and see the world, then denial is the natural response. But the longer we wait, the bigger the response required (The Natural Quotes)
Since the natural tendencies of mankind are so bad that it is not safe to allow them liberty, how comes it to pass that the tendencies of organizers are always good? (The Natural Quotes)
I want to challenge all of you as people of deep conscience, people who are environment stewards of the earth and oceans... By changing what you eat, you will change the entire contract between the human species and the natural world (The Natural Quotes)
The most interesting parts of the natural world are the edges, places where ocean meets land, meadow meets forest, timberline touches the heights (The Natural Quotes)
Considering the natural lust for power so inherent in man, I fear the thirst of power will prevail to oppress the people (The Natural Quotes)
When nature suffers because it is destroyed by human activities, the notion of beauty is really losing its meaning, because nothing is more aesthetic than the natural beauty (The Natural Quotes)
How do you change what you believe when your experience has convinced you otherwise? By creating a new experience. The best way for you to get that new experience is to change your response to what happens. By the natural law of cause and effect, that new response will create new results, which you will then experience as a new reality. To reach the goal of happiness, act as though the following statement is already true: Everything that happens to me is the best thing that can happen to me (The Natural Quotes)
The more our world functions like the natural world, the more likely we are to endure on this home that is ours, but not ours alone (The Natural Quotes)
Why are vegans made fun of while the inhumane factory farming process regards animals and the natural world merely as commodities to be exploited for profit? (The Natural Quotes)
God’s love is just like the sun, constant and shining for us all. And just as the earth rotates around the sun, it is the natural order for us to move away for a season, and then to return closer, but always within the appropriate time (The Natural Quotes)
In this way, if you continue all the time in the way we have described from the beginning, it will become as easy and clear for you to remain in contemplation in your inward and recollected state, as to live in the natural state (The Natural Quotes)
A human life has seasons much as the earth has seasons, each time with its own particular beauty and power. And gift. By focusing on springtime and summer, we have turned the natural process of life into a process of loss rather than a process of celebration and appreciation. Life is neither linear nor stagnant. It is movement from mystery to mystery. Just as a year includes autumn and winter, life includes death, not as an opposite but as an integral part of the way life is made (The Natural Quotes)
The good teacher discovers the natural gifts of his pupils and liberates them by the stimulating influence of the inspiration that he can impart. The true leader makes his followers twice the men they were before (The Natural Quotes)
Emotions are the natural substances of the soul... and when we think we can’t handle the emotions, we lose the natural substances of the soul and begin looking for substances to replace the flow (The Natural Quotes)
Why climb? For the natural experience; for the danger that draws us ever on; for the feeling of total freedom; for the monstrous drop beneath you. It is like a drug (The Natural Quotes)
The naturally advantaged are not to gain merely because they are more gifted, but only to cover the costs of training and education and for using their endowments in ways that help the less fortunate as well (The Natural Quotes)
The divine communicates to us primarily through the language of the natural world. Not to hear the natural world is not to hear the divine (The Natural Quotes)
We need to move: from a spirituality of alienation from the natural world to a spirituality of intimacy with the natural world from a spirituality of the divine as revealed in words to a spirituality of the divine as revealed in the visible world about us (The Natural Quotes)
The natural response to evaluation is to feel judged. We have to mature to a place where we respond to it with gratitude, and love feedback (The Natural Quotes)
An infant always learns. The less we interfere with the natural process of learning, the more we can observe how much infants learn all the time (The Natural Quotes)
The natural power of breastfeeding is one of the greatest wonders of the world. It is about real love. It is about caring and celebrating the wondrous joy of nurturing a new life. It is about enjoying being a woman (The Natural Quotes)
Not only in geometry, but to a still more astonishing degree in physics, has it become more and more evident that as soon as we have succeeded in unraveling fully the natural laws which govern reality, we find them to be expressible by mathematical relations of surprising simplicity and architectonic perfection. It seems to me to be one of the chief objects of mathematical instruction to develop the faculty of perceiving this simplicity and harmony (The Natural Quotes)
When you look at biology, look at the natural world, the roles of a male and a female in society, and other animals, the male typically is the dominant role. The female, it’s not antithesis, or it’s not competing, it’s a complementary role. We as people in a smart society have lost the ability to have complementary relationships in nuclear families, and it’s tearing us apart (The Natural Quotes)
What sets human beings apart from animals is not the pursuit of happiness, which occurs all across the natural world, but the pursuit of meaning, which is unique to humans (The Natural Quotes)
Love is the natural condition of all experience before thought has divided it into a multiplicity and diversity of objects, selves and others (The Natural Quotes)
The natural world is not only a set of constraints but of contexts within which we can more fully realize our dreams (The Natural Quotes)
When people try to use religion to address the natural world, science pushes back on it, and religion has to accommodate the results. Beliefs can be permanent, but beliefs can also be flexible. Personally, if I find out my belief is wrong, I change my mind. I think that’s a good way to live (The Natural Quotes)
Ultimately it is by harnessing the natural economic forces which drive society that the pollution tax offers us an opportunity to exert greater control over our environment (The Natural Quotes)
When feet doesn’t want to hold you, you climb with your head. Maybe it isn’t the natural order of things, but isn’t it better to walk with your head than to think with your feet, as it happens so frequently? (The Natural Quotes)
Our relatives form the natural setting of our childhood. We understand ourselves best and are best understood by others through the persons who came nearest to us in our earliest years (The Natural Quotes)