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The only cure for a real hangover is death

The only cure for a real hangover is death Picture Quote #1

The only cure for a real hangover is death

Robert Benchley was a humorist known for his witty and often self-deprecating observations on life. One of his most famous quotes is, “The only cure for a real hangover is death.” This statement, while humorous on the surface, also speaks to the intense discomfort and suffering that can accompany a hangover.

Hangovers are a common experience for many people, often occurring after a night of heavy drinking. Symptoms can include headache, nausea, fatigue, and sensitivity to light and sound. While some people may be able to shake off a hangover with a good breakfast and plenty of water, others may find themselves incapacitated for hours or even days.

Benchley’s quote suggests that the pain and discomfort of a hangover are so severe that death would be a preferable alternative. Of course, this is meant to be taken as hyperbole rather than a serious suggestion. Benchley was known for his dry wit and dark humor, and this quote is a perfect example of his style.
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