The only way to avoid cannon-shot is to fall down. No such way to be freed from temptation as to keep low

The only way to avoid cannon-shot is to fall down. No such way to be freed from temptation as to keep low
Thomas Brooks was a Puritan preacher and writer known for his profound insights into the Christian life and the struggles of temptation. In his work, he often emphasized the importance of humility and self-denial in resisting the temptations of the world. One of his most famous quotes is, “The only way to avoid cannon-shot is to fall down. No such way to be freed from temptation as to keep low.”This powerful statement speaks to the idea that in order to avoid the destructive power of temptation, one must humble themselves and submit to God's will. Just as a soldier must fall to the ground to avoid being hit by cannon fire, so too must a Christian lower themselves in humility to resist the temptations that threaten to destroy their faith.
Brooks believed that pride and self-reliance were the root causes of temptation, leading individuals to trust in their own strength rather than relying on God for help. By keeping low in humility and acknowledging their own weaknesses, Christians can find the strength to resist temptation and remain faithful to their beliefs.