The privilege of absurdity; to which no living creature is subject but man only

The privilege of absurdity; to which no living creature is subject but man only
Thomas Hobbes, a prominent English philosopher of the 17th century, is known for his work on political philosophy and his belief in the inherent selfishness and competitiveness of human nature. In his famous work, Leviathan, Hobbes explores the concept of absurdity and the unique privilege that humans possess in being able to engage in absurd behavior.Hobbes argues that absurdity is a privilege that only humans have, as no other living creature is subject to it. This privilege stems from the fact that humans have the capacity for reason and imagination, allowing them to create and engage in behaviors that are illogical, irrational, and nonsensical. While other animals are driven by instinct and survival, humans have the ability to act in ways that defy logic and reason.
One of the key aspects of absurdity that Hobbes explores is the idea of humor. Humans have the ability to find humor in situations that are nonsensical or absurd, and this ability sets them apart from other creatures. Through humor, humans are able to laugh at themselves and the world around them, finding joy and entertainment in the absurdity of life.
Hobbes also touches on the idea of absurdity in the context of power and authority. He argues that humans have the ability to create and enforce arbitrary rules and laws, even if they are illogical or absurd. This power to impose order on chaos is a unique privilege that humans possess, allowing them to create social structures and hierarchies that govern their behavior.
Overall, Hobbes' exploration of the privilege of absurdity highlights the unique capabilities and complexities of human nature. By recognizing and embracing the absurdity of life, humans are able to find humor, creativity, and meaning in a world that can often seem chaotic and irrational. In this way, absurdity becomes a source of freedom and empowerment for humans, allowing them to transcend the limitations of their animal instincts and engage in behaviors that are uniquely human.