The problem with making assumptions is that we believe they are the truth. We could swear they are real

The problem with making assumptions is that we believe they are the truth. We could swear they are real
In his book "The Four Agreements," author Miguel Ruiz discusses the concept of making assumptions and the negative impact they can have on our lives. He argues that assumptions are often based on limited information or past experiences, and yet we treat them as if they are absolute truths. This can lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, and unnecessary suffering.Ruiz emphasizes the importance of being aware of our assumptions and questioning their validity. He suggests that we should strive to communicate openly and honestly with others, rather than jumping to conclusions based on assumptions. By doing so, we can avoid unnecessary conflicts and misunderstandings.
One of the key agreements Ruiz proposes in his book is to "be impeccable with your word." This means speaking with integrity and avoiding gossip, lies, and assumptions. By being mindful of the words we use and the assumptions we make, we can create more harmonious relationships and avoid unnecessary drama.
Ruiz also discusses the idea of not taking things personally, which is closely related to making assumptions. When we assume that someone's actions or words are directed at us personally, we can become defensive and reactive. However, Ruiz argues that most of the time, people's actions are a reflection of their own beliefs and experiences, rather than a personal attack on us.
By being aware of our assumptions and practicing the agreements Ruiz outlines in his book, we can cultivate more meaningful and authentic relationships. We can learn to communicate more effectively, avoid unnecessary conflicts, and live with greater peace and harmony.