The Real World Quotes

Text Quotes
The work of science has nothing whatever to do with consensus. Consensus is the business of politics. Science, on the contrary, requires only one investigator who happens to be right, which means that he or she has results that are verifiable by reference to the real world. In science consensus is irrelevant. What is relevant is reproducible results. The greatest scientists in history are great precisely because they broke with the consensus (The Real World Quotes)
The same person who would never raise his hand in a lecture hall of two hundred people might blog to two thousand, or two million, without thinking twice. The same person who finds it difficult to introduce himself to strangers might establish a presence online and then extend these relationships into the real world (The Real World Quotes)
Think of your career as your ministry. Make your work an expression of love, in service to mankind. Within the worldly illusion, we all have different jobs. Some of us are artists, some of us are business people, some of us are scientists. But in the real world that lies beyond all this, we all have the same job: to minister to human hearts (The Real World Quotes)
I think it’s sad to me that I had to make a decision to not play the game that I feel like I’m best at and that I love. But if it was just about the game itself, I’d be there in a heartbeat. But that’s not how the real world works (The Real World Quotes)
I don’t think there are beautiful women out there trying to lure men into any kind of conspiracy. I think people are out there just trying to meet someone new and interesting and live in the real world (The Real World Quotes)
That is what I’m looking forward to the most, practical learning. I want to be a registered nurse so getting to talk to people who already work in those jobs can really teach me what to expect when I get out in the real world (The Real World Quotes)
If you look at music, you see theme, variation, you see symmetry, asymmetry, you see structure, and these are related to skills in the real world (The Real World Quotes)
I think for anything to change, in the real world, people have got to change on the inside and that’s what we want to start, to get people to think and do more themselves and get involved in whatever they want to get involved with (The Real World Quotes)
I may be only a fish and chip shop lady, but some of these economists need to get their heads out of the textbooks and get a job in the real world. I would not even let one of them handle my grocery shopping (The Real World Quotes)
When you’re playing a fictional character reacting to the real world, it’s incredibly difficult and confusing and kind of messes with your values a bit (The Real World Quotes)
I can understand why people would want to stay on the road because you create your own bubble. You almost don’t live in the real world. Just to have the things that are with you is fine (The Real World Quotes)
When it comes to computer games, many academics seem to be one step down from judges in their lack of engagement with the real world (The Real World Quotes)
I’m not interested in truths, like drawing an accurate picture of the real world. I’m interested in exploring the verities of the human condition (The Real World Quotes)
The problems of the real world are primarily those you are left with when you refuse to apply their effective solutions (The Real World Quotes)
In the real world, mice do exist and they generally go about their business whether we see them or not (The Real World Quotes)
When times are tough, constant conflict may be good politics but in the real world, cooperation works better. After all, nobody’s right all the time, and a broken clock is right twice a day (The Real World Quotes)
But in fantasy, you can make a complete break, and you can put people in a situation where they are confronted with things that they would not confront in the real world (The Real World Quotes)
I think the avant-garde often hides itself in the highly incomprehensible because they are frustrated that the real world is so boring (The Real World Quotes)
You’re living in the real world now, spider said sadly. It’s come from something. It’s going to something. Myths always lie in the most difficult places to ignore (The Real World Quotes)
The barrier between success is not something which exists in the real world: it is composed purely and simply of doubts about ability (The Real World Quotes)
I am a generous man, by nature, and far more trusting than I should be. Indeed. The real world is risky territory for people with generosity of spirit. Beware (The Real World Quotes)
He found it both sad and fascinating that only through an artificial universe of video images could she establish contact with the real world (The Real World Quotes)
Magic does that. It wastes you away. Once it grips you by the ear, the real world gets quieter and quieter, until you can hardly hear it at all (The Real World Quotes)
We have had no good comic operas of late, because the real world has been more comic than any possible opera (The Real World Quotes)
The barrier to success is not something which exists in the real world; it is composed purely and simply of doubts about ability (The Real World Quotes)
In the university, professors make up artificial problems. In the real world, the problems do not come in nice, neat packages. They have to be discovered (The Real World Quotes)
In my experience ideology is a lot like religion; it’s a belief system and most people cling to it long after it becomes clear that their ideology doesn’t describe the real world (The Real World Quotes)
Government has really been growing, a lot of largesse, but the people in the real world aren’t. And that’s what has to change. Government has no conformity at all with the real world (The Real World Quotes)
Certainly a decade and a half out in the real world, bashing my head against things, probably made me into a more textured writer. It gives you something to write about (The Real World Quotes)
And for me, the real world involves everything: risk, danger, beauty, energy, all we meet with in the real world (The Real World Quotes)