The Script Quotes

Text Quotes
A movie script more than anything else is a plan of action for the crew. Everybody in the crew looks at the script to see what they’re going to do. It has to contain where you are, and how many people are there, and what they do, and what time of day it is, and what time of year it is (The Script Quotes)
Every film I try and make it the way I see it in my head, and it really just depends on the script and the people I’m working with or whatever interests me at that particular time (The Script Quotes)
Even if the script’s well written there’s something about the life of an improvisation that resonates better than a written word, sometimes (The Script Quotes)
I know it’s boring to say this but I always start with the script. I mean if it’s well written and it’s a character that I haven’t necessarily played before (The Script Quotes)
When you’re developing a story, for me anyway, it’s all so important to get the script right, especially when you’re telling the story of an icon. You’ve got to get it right. Otherwise, you’ll get killed by critics and fans (The Script Quotes)
I absolutely made the decision that that cannot be the reason why I’m doing a film or a job. For me, it’s always about the script and whether I’m doing something that I’ve never done before (The Script Quotes)
When I do a movie, I have the script. I know how it begins and how it ends. I know what my character does and where he’s going. If I have ideas I want to express or changes I want to make, there’s one guy: the director. It’s different in television (The Script Quotes)
You’re looking for the best way of shooting it, but sometimes the best way of shooting it is changing the script (The Script Quotes)
We get the scripts before the table read, but I don’t look at them until we go into the table read. I don’t want to know, when I’m playing a moment in the current episode, what’s going to happen because it might change how I’m playing that (The Script Quotes)
The better the script is the more you can commit,but you can only really commit with full confidence when you know the material is as strong as your level of commitment to it and it frees you up (The Script Quotes)
What I look for is identifying what the utility of a character is to the telling of the story overall. If I can identify that from reading the script, then I’ve got a clear idea of whether or not I think the character is worth playing (The Script Quotes)
Being in front of the camera, you never got to see the whole process from the conception of the script all the way through to the filming process (The Script Quotes)
The difference between the first time I read something and the tenth time I read something is generally pretty profound. Even if the script is the same, just the way that I read it is different (The Script Quotes)
Whether I’m writing the script, or someone else writes the initial draft, I’m always an actor’s director first. I always try to listen to them a lot, and try to put their voices into their character (The Script Quotes)
Everything you look at now, the scripts that come in that you look at, the television scripts are way better than the movie script. The talent is going to television (The Script Quotes)
I’m probably not very funny. The scripts just don’t come in, or the ones that do aren’t that good. I suppose I’m just an old drama queen, really (The Script Quotes)
I’ve done a number of things based on real people or true stories or based on books, and I’m a great believer that you have to be true to the script (The Script Quotes)
When you’re playing a real person there’s a balance between playing the person in the script and playing the person as he was in life. You have to be respectful and true to who that person was, but at the same time tell the story in the film (The Script Quotes)
Memorizing a playbook is like memorizing a script. When they change the script at the last minute it’s like changing a play in a game (The Script Quotes)
The way I choose parts is I look at the scripts... I choose a part by whether or not it challenges me (The Script Quotes)
Lots of things are hard work, but I think writing, for me, after I started acting at 13 years old. I like writing now much more than I do acting only because, well, partly because the scripts that are offered are junk (The Script Quotes)
I think it’s incumbent on actresses to bring something else to the part which isn’t in the script (The Script Quotes)
I’m not famous for my back story investigations; I’m lucky that I work with good writers and it’s usually in the script (The Script Quotes)
If I want to kiss, I shall kiss. If I am told that a lovemaking scene is integral to the script, I will consider it (The Script Quotes)
I’ve done too many stupid things for there not to be movies made about me when I’m dead, so I might as well write the script (The Script Quotes)
I’m not fixed in any genre. I love all kinds of films. The essential thing is; you have to have good material. If you have the filmmaker, and the material, and the script is good, you can start from there (The Script Quotes)
I never had a movie that I wanted to do turned down in my whole life. I always write the script first so it speaks for itself (The Script Quotes)
I have no interest in ever making a movie I didn’t write. If they were going to take my house away, then I guess I might have to. But my agent knows not to even bother sending me the scripts (The Script Quotes)
I had never really done something that was more of a horror film, and its funny, because those are the kind of movies that I like probably more than any other genre. The script had images in it that I liked (The Script Quotes)
Even with revivals, I don’t really pay attention to previous incarnations. I always just go with the script and with the director and am willing to treat it as brand new (The Script Quotes)