The Senses Quotes

Text Quotes
Poor mind, from the senses you take your arguments, and then want to defeat them? Your victory is your defeat (The Senses Quotes)
Sensual is everything that refers to the delight of the senses. And that’s what artists do, is stimulate the senses in any possible way (The Senses Quotes)
Numbing the senses by monotonously repeating an assertion is a key element in utilizing mind control techniques (The Senses Quotes)
There is the physical world that we live in, which we perceive through the senses, but there are other worlds. Right in front of you there are other worlds, right now. Those worlds are as real, if you will, as the physical world (The Senses Quotes)
Most people are completely oblivious to eternity. They look at the sky at night and they think that’s eternity; it is just the senses having contact in the sense world. There are other dimensions (The Senses Quotes)
What we’re seeking to do is internalize perception. Perception is very much involved with the senses and the mental processes and the emotional processes (The Senses Quotes)
Everything that you see before you with your physical eyes is an illusion. In other words, you are not seeing correctly. Life is made up of light. But if you are only looking through the senses, it seems solid and physical (The Senses Quotes)
This solidity is not true. The apparent solidity is the delusion of the senses and of the self. Everything is made up of infinite, intelligent light (The Senses Quotes)
As long as you exist, you are aware of the manifest universes through the senses, through feelings and through mind (The Senses Quotes)
A painting or sculpture not modelled on any real object is every bit as concrete and sensuous as a leaf or a stone... but it is an incomplete art which privileges the intellect to the detriment of the senses (The Senses Quotes)
It is better decoration when, in painting, some monstrosity is introduced for variety and a relaxation of the senses and to attract the attention of mortal eyes, which at times desire to see that which they have never seen (The Senses Quotes)
All the arts are based on the senses. What they do for the person who practices them, and also the persons interested in them, is make that particular sense more active and more acute (The Senses Quotes)
The senses alone are not implicitly to be depended on. We must correct their evidence by reason, and by considerations, derived from the nature of the medium, the distance of the object, and the disposition of the organ, in order to render them, within their sphere, the proper criteria of truth and falsehood (The Senses Quotes)
The mind must become the servant of the intellect, not the slave of the senses. It must discriminate and detach itself from the body. Like the ripe tamarind fruit, which, becomes loose inside the shell, it must be unattached to this shell, this casement called body (The Senses Quotes)
No one can liberate you, for no one has bound you; you hold on to the nettle of worldly pleasures and you weep for pain. The kite is pursued by the crows so long as it carries the fish in its beak, it twists and turns in the sky trying to last and it drops the fish. That moment it is free. So give up the attachment to the senses; then grief and worry can harass you no more (The Senses Quotes)
Sensibility... is a direct and particular reaction to the separate and individual nature of things. It begins and ends with the sensuous apprehension of colour, texture and formal relations; and if we strive to organize these elements, it is not with the idea of increasing the knowledge of the mind, but rather in order to intensify the pleasure of the senses (The Senses Quotes)
There is only one right way to draw... physical contact with all sorts of objects through all the senses (The Senses Quotes)
I spent more hours than I can count a quiet witness to the highly mannered, manifold expressions of life that grace our planet. It is something so bright, loud, weird and delicate as to stupefy the senses (The Senses Quotes)
Short version: For the child..., it is not half so important to know as to feel. If facts are the seeds that later produce knowledge and wisdom, then the emotions and the impressions of the senses are the fertile soil in which the seeds must grow.... It is more important to pave the way for a child to want to know than to put him on a diet of facts that he is not ready to assimilate (The Senses Quotes)
Statistical projections which speak to the senses without fatiguing the mind, possess the advantage of fixing the attention on a great number of important facts (The Senses Quotes)
Development is where my heart is focused because eating is the only thing that we do that involves all the senses. We eat with our eyes and our ears and our noses (The Senses Quotes)
To be psychic is to see without the senses and to keep the thoughts and emotions of others out of your awareness (The Senses Quotes)
The exercise of all the senses is as intense pleasure, as anyone will find, who recovers the use of one after being deprived of it (The Senses Quotes)
Cities with all their advantages have something hostile to liberal learning, the seductions are so subtle and accost the senses so openly on all sides (The Senses Quotes)
It is exactly in the repetition of the exercises that the education of the senses exists; not that the child shall know colors, forms or qualities, but that he refine his senses through an exercise of attention, comparison and judgment (The Senses Quotes)
American life, in large cities, is a perpetual assault on the senses and the nerves; it is out of asceticism, out of unworldliness, precisely, that we bear it (The Senses Quotes)
Metaphors think with the imagination and the senses. The hot chili peppers in them explode in the mouth and the mind (The Senses Quotes)
If drawing belongs to the world of spirit and color to that of the senses, you must draw first to cultivate the spirit (The Senses Quotes)
In my very early childhood, when I was only 3 or 4 or 5, I would enter for many hours into meditative states in which the world would become light and energy and I would transcend the boundaries of the senses (The Senses Quotes)
All physical and nonphysical things have another side, a side that is not visible to the senses or accessible to the reasoning mind, a side that can only be known and experienced intuitively by emptying one’s own mind of thoughts (The Senses Quotes)