The Source Quotes

Text Quotes
Innocence is the source of love (The Source Quotes)
The course of a river is almost always disapproved of by the source (The Source Quotes)
Consider the source... Don’t be a fool by listening to a fool (The Source Quotes)
Lust is the source of all our actions, and humanity (The Source Quotes)
The mind is the source of happiness and unhappiness (The Source Quotes)
Attachment is the source of all suffering (The Source Quotes)
I am the source of my own suffering, because of the habits of my mind (The Source Quotes)
Returning to the source is serenity (The Source Quotes)
Self-love is the source of all our other loves (The Source Quotes)
The audience is the source of the energy that I project back to them (The Source Quotes)
Ideas are the source of all things (The Source Quotes)
We are the source of our problems not mysterious sinister foreigners overseas (The Source Quotes)
Gratitude draws the mind into closer touch with the source from which the blessings come (The Source Quotes)
The closer the source of light is to a subject, the broader the beams are (The Source Quotes)
We live in an age of universal investigation, and of exploration of the sources of all movements (The Source Quotes)
The person who strays away from the source is unroofed and is like dust blown about by the wind (The Source Quotes)
To be right is dangerous, it has ever been the source of all intolerance (The Source Quotes)
Discontent is the source of all trouble,but also of all progress, in individuals and nations (The Source Quotes)
The source of sorrows lies not in leaving life, but in leaving that which gives it meaning (The Source Quotes)
The body repeats the landscape. They are the source of each other and create each other (The Source Quotes)
Works of art imitate and provoke other works of art, the process is the source of art itself (The Source Quotes)
Adversity is the source of our deepest growth and greatest blessings; embrace it, dare to seek it (The Source Quotes)
Seed is not just the source of life. It is the very foundation of our being (The Source Quotes)
Since inner peace is the source of all happiness, we can see how important meditation is (The Source Quotes)
In our interactions with others, gentleness, kindness, respectare the source of harmony (The Source Quotes)
Losing is the price we pay for living. It is also the source of much of our growth and gain (The Source Quotes)
Defeat should not be the source of discouragement, but a stimulus to keep plotting (The Source Quotes)
Conflict is inevitable, the source of all growth, and an absolute necessity if one is to be alive (The Source Quotes)
Power, when invested in the hands of knaves or fools, generally is the source of tyranny (The Source Quotes)
Education was in danger from the source that always hampered it-religious fanaticism (The Source Quotes)