The stars shall be rent into threds of light, and scatter'd like the beards of comets

The stars shall be rent into threds of light, and scatter'd like the beards of comets
Jeremy Taylor was a 17th-century Anglican cleric and theologian known for his eloquent and poetic prose. His works often explore themes of spirituality, morality, and the nature of the universe. In one of his most famous works, "The Rule and Exercises of Holy Living," Taylor writes, "The stars shall be rent into threds of light, and scatter'd like the beards of comets."This striking imagery evokes a sense of cosmic upheaval and transformation. The idea of the stars being torn apart and scattered like the beards of comets suggests a profound and dramatic shift in the order of the universe. It speaks to the fragility and impermanence of the natural world, as well as the power and unpredictability of cosmic forces.