The State is, and always has been, the great single enemy of the human race, it's liberty, happiness, and progress

The State is, and always has been, the great single enemy of the human race, it's liberty, happiness, and progress
Murray Rothbard, a prominent figure in the libertarian movement, was a staunch critic of the state and its role in society. He believed that the state was the greatest enemy of the human race, as it infringed upon individual liberty, hindered happiness, and stifled progress. Rothbard argued that the state's monopoly on power and coercion allowed it to oppress and control its citizens, leading to a society that was less free, less prosperous, and less innovative.Rothbard believed that the state's existence was inherently immoral, as it relied on the use of force to maintain its authority over individuals. He argued that the state's ability to tax, regulate, and control its citizens was a violation of their natural rights and a threat to their freedom. Rothbard believed that individuals should be free to live their lives as they see fit, without interference from a centralized authority.
Rothbard also believed that the state's intervention in the economy was detrimental to progress and prosperity. He argued that government regulations, subsidies, and monopolies distorted the market and prevented individuals from freely exchanging goods and services. Rothbard believed that a truly free market, without government interference, would lead to greater innovation, competition, and economic growth.