The Sun Quotes

Text Quotes
To any white body receiving the light from the sun, or the air, the shadows will be of a bluish cast (The Sun Quotes)
The vivacity and brightness of colors in a landscape will never bear any comparison with a landscape in nature when it is illumined by the sun, unless the painting is placed in such a position that it will receive the same light from the sun as does the landscape (The Sun Quotes)
If you have wit, use it to please and not to hurt: you may shine like the sun in the temperate zones without scorching (The Sun Quotes)
One day I noticed that I could go on working my art motif no matter what the weather might be. I no longer needed the sun, for I took my light everywhere with me (The Sun Quotes)
If you cannot bear the silence and the darkness, do not go there; if you dislike black night and yawning chasms, never make them your profession. If you fear the sound of water hurrying through crevices toward unknown and mysterious destinations, do not consider it. Seek out the sunshine. It is a simple prescription. Avoid the darkness (The Sun Quotes)
I managed to potter along tolerably well in the morning, sitting in the sun and sketching the old buildings... but in the afternoon, sitting in the shade... with stiff fingers and chilled bones... the water froze in little cakes all over the picture (The Sun Quotes)
Out in the sun, some painters are lined up. The first is copying nature, the second is copying the first, the third is copying the second... You see the sequence (The Sun Quotes)
The cyclone ends. The sun returns; the lofty coconut trees lift up their plumes again; man does likewise. The great anguish is over; joy has returned; the sea smiles like a child (The Sun Quotes)
Developing confidence is like watching the sun rise. First it seems very feeble and one wonders whether it will make it. Then it shines and shines (The Sun Quotes)
The sun penetrates me soundlessly like a distant friend that stirs up my laziness, fertilizes it. We bring forth life (The Sun Quotes)
I wished to copy nature. I could not. But I was satisfied when I discovered the sun, for instance, could not be reproduced, but only represented by something else (The Sun Quotes)
You have the sky overhead giving one light; then the reflected light from whatever reflects; then the direct light of the sun; so that, in the blending and suffusing of these several luminations, there is no such thing as a line to be seen anywhere (The Sun Quotes)
Evolution as such is no longer a theory for a modern author. It is as much a fact as that the earth revolves around the sun (The Sun Quotes)
There will be plenty of blame to go around but if you take credit for the sunshine, you also get blamed for the rain (The Sun Quotes)
These days I love to take in the sunset because every time I do so I remember how lucky I am to be alive. That’s a great relationship to have with the setting sun (The Sun Quotes)
How glorious a greeting the sun gives the mountains! To behold this alone is worth the pains of any excursion a thousand times over. The highest peaks burned like islands in a sea of liquid shade. Then the lower peaks and spires caught the glow, and long lances of light, streaming through many a notch and pass, fell thick on the frozen meadows (The Sun Quotes)
It may well happen that what is in itself the more certain on account of the weakness of our intelligence, which is dazzled by the clearest objects of nature; as the owl is dazzled by the light of the sun. Hence the fact that some happen to doubt about articles of faith is not due to the uncertain nature of the truths, but to the weakness of human intelligence; yet the slenderest knowledge that may be obtained of the highest things is more desirable than the most certain knowledge obtained of lesser things (The Sun Quotes)
We do not accost a physician as we do any mere nobody; nor a magistrate as we do a private individual. We try to get some advantage from the skill of the one and the position of the other. Walk in the sun, and your shadow will follow you, whether you will or not (The Sun Quotes)
The snow, the wind, the sun and the sounds of nature, can all be reminders to you that you’re an integral part of the natural world (The Sun Quotes)
Like a raisin in the sun; that will swivel up and fade away. Your success dreams will swivel up and fade away, if you are not motivated enough to work for them (The Sun Quotes)
The prairies were dust. Day after day, summer after summer, the scorching winds blew the dust and the sun was brassy in a yellow sky. Crop after crop failed. Again and again the barren land must be mortgaged for taxes and food and next year’s seed. The agony of hope ended when there was not harvest and no more credit, no money to pay interest and taxes; the banker took the land. Then the bank failed (The Sun Quotes)
We can’t stop trying til we break up our minds, til the sun drips blood on the seedy young knight (The Sun Quotes)
The pitcher wound up and he flang the ball at the batter. The batter swang and missed. The pitcher flang the ball again and this time the batter connected. He hit a high fly right to the center fielder. The center fielder was all set to catch the ball, but at the last minute his eyes were blound by the sun and he dropped it (The Sun Quotes)
The sun was in mind to come out but having a look at the weather it was in lost heart and went back again (The Sun Quotes)
Liberty cannot be sacrificed for the sake of temperance, for the sake of morality, or for the sake of anything. It is of more value than everything. Yet some people would destroy the sun to prevent the growth of weeds. Liberty sustains the same relation to all the virtues that the sun does to life (The Sun Quotes)
A story can fly like a bee, so straight and swift you catch only the hum of its passing. Or move so slowly it seems motionless, curled in upon itself like a snake in the sun. It can vanish like smoke before the wind. Linger like perfume in the nose. Change with every telling, yet always remain the same (The Sun Quotes)
Some days I am the flower beneath the machine. And the machine rolls slowly on, blocking the sun, without a care for what it tramples beneath (The Sun Quotes)
Lies are ants, the truth is the sun, and questions are a magnifying glass waiting to be picked up by the curious (The Sun Quotes)
Every man casts a shadow; not his body only, but his imperfectly mingled spirit. This is his grief. Let him turn which way he will, it falls opposite to the sun; short at noon, long at eve. Did you never see it? (The Sun Quotes)
Because everyone is the same distance from the sun. Does it really lessen the distance if you live on top of a skyscraper? (The Sun Quotes)