The Sun Quotes

Text Quotes
I will give you the sun and the rain, and if they are not available, I will give you a sun check and a rain check (The Sun Quotes)
I’m not living in the shadows anymore. I want to walk in the sun. But I can’t do that without you (The Sun Quotes)
The sun was trembling on the brink of the world, the shadows at their longest, and they still had several kilometers to go (The Sun Quotes)
The sun is simple. A sword is simple. A storm is simple. Behind everything simple is a huge tail of complicated (The Sun Quotes)
What could it be like to find out, in a matter of minutes, that the person you believed the sun rose and set on was not the person you’d thought? (The Sun Quotes)
Do you ever dangle your toes over the precipice, dare the cliff to crumble, defy the frozen deity to suffer the sun, thaw feather and bone, take wing to fly you home? (The Sun Quotes)
... the sun would leave my sky if I couldn’t assume you’d simply come and tell me you were sad (The Sun Quotes)
Here, fire turns into water; Here, the dancing of the rain declares the sun. There’s no opposition in existence, no contradiction; Everything supports everything else (The Sun Quotes)
I think when you’re young you should be a lot with yourself and your sufferings. Then one day you get out where the sun shines and the rain rains and the snow snows and it all comes together (The Sun Quotes)
Brother, stand the pain. Escape the poison of your impulses. The sky will bow to your beauty, if you do. Learn to light the candle. Rise with the sun. Turn away from the cave of your sleeping. That way a thorn expands to a rose (The Sun Quotes)
It was all so clear now. Like everything had been lost in darkness, and then the sun came out. Some moments are like that (The Sun Quotes)
You are not separate from the whole. You are one with the sun, the earth, the air. You don’t have a life. You are life (The Sun Quotes)
A strange thing has happened, do you know? I am in darkness. There is a person who, departing, took away the sun (The Sun Quotes)
I don’t want to hear music, I don’t want the sunrise to be pink. The world is a liar. Its ugliness is overwhelming; the scraps of beauty make it worse (The Sun Quotes)
Happiness isn’t something this island yields easily; the ground is too rocky and the sun too sparse for it to flourish (The Sun Quotes)
This was it. Together. Forever. As we left it all behind, the sun warmed my back, lighting the way before us. I knew of no better omen (The Sun Quotes)
Love falls to earth, rises from the ground, pools around the afflicted. Love pulls people back to their feet. Bodies and souls are fed. Bones and lives heal. New blades of grass grow from charred soil. The sun rises (The Sun Quotes)
The final mystery is oneself. When one has weighed the sun in the balance, and measured the steps of the moon, and mapped out the seven heavens star by star, there still remains oneself. Who can calculate the orbit of his own soul? (The Sun Quotes)
Just as your hand has the power to hide the sun, mediocrity has the power to hide your inner light. Do not blame others for your own incompetence (The Sun Quotes)
I wish we had a sign that this flaming dragon is part of an attack or something. Those dung heaps might think it’s just one of their own monsters enjoying the sunrise (The Sun Quotes)
This is the solstice, the still point of the sun, its cusp and midnight, the year’s threshold and unlocking, where the past lets go of and becomes the future; the place of caught breath… (The Sun Quotes)
Because we managed to keep our heart open, despite the pain. Because we realized that the person who left us did not take the sun with them or leave darkness in their place (The Sun Quotes)
Hills that stand soft and a sky that stands high and blue, and the sun setting behind a windmill, and always, always, hazy strings of mountains that fall and fall away on the horizon (The Sun Quotes)
It’s almost dawn. You can feel it coming. The world holds its breath, because there’s really no guarantee that the sun will rise. That there was a yesterday doesn’t mean there will be a tomorrow (The Sun Quotes)
Never think I have abandoned you. When the sun shines on you, it is my smile. When you hear the breeze stir through the apple blossoms, it is my whisper that I love you. My love is yours forever (The Sun Quotes)
There’s always a story. It’s all stories, really. The sun coming up every day is a story. Everything’s got a story in it. Change the story, change the world (The Sun Quotes)
I would never see her again, except in memory. She was here, and now she’s gone. There is no middle ground. Probably is a word that you may find south of the border. But never, ever west of the sun (The Sun Quotes)
As people used to be wrong about the motion of the sun, so they are still wrong about the motion of the future. The future stands still, it is we who move in infinite space (The Sun Quotes)
A feeble man can see the farms that are fenced and tilled, the houses that are built. The strong man sees the possible houses and farms. His eye makes estates as fast as the sun breeds clouds (The Sun Quotes)
Is it so small a thing to have enjoyed the sun, to have lived lightin the sky, to have loved, to have thought, to have done? (The Sun Quotes)