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The Thing Quotes

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One of the things that I cannot fathom is young actors who will not audition and won’t read  (The Thing Quotes) The things that have been most valuable to me I did not learn in school  (The Thing Quotes) Absolutely eat dessert first. The thing that you want to do the most, do that  (The Thing Quotes) I like to spend time in the past, with the things that have been important to me  (The Thing Quotes) Four be the things I’d have been better without: love, curiosity, freckles and doubt  (The Thing Quotes) Later he had seen the things that he could never think of and later still he had seen much worse  (The Thing Quotes) After nourishment, shelter and companionship, stories are the thing we need most in the world  (The Thing Quotes) If you don’t know, the thing to do is not to get scared, but to learn  (The Thing Quotes) I believe that anyone can conquer fear by doing the things he fears to do  (The Thing Quotes) What an odd thing a diary is: the things you omit are more important than those you put in  (The Thing Quotes) If trouble comes when you least expect it then maybe the thing to do is to always expect it  (The Thing Quotes) Among the things you can give and still keep are your word, a smile, and a grateful heart  (The Thing Quotes) I will sit in the pupil of your eyes and that will carry your sight into the heart of the things  (The Thing Quotes) Three be the things I shall never attain: Envy, content, and sufficient champagne  (The Thing Quotes) I love the nostalgic myself. I hope we never lose some of the things of the past  (The Thing Quotes) I’m getting old, that’s the thing! What’s in me now won’t be there anymore  (The Thing Quotes) The thing about creativity is, people are going to laugh at it. Get over it  (The Thing Quotes) Of all the things I am not very good at, living in the real world is perhaps the most outstanding  (The Thing Quotes) It is the things you cannot see coming that are strong enough to kill you  (The Thing Quotes) Determine that the thing can and shall be done and then... find the way  (The Thing Quotes) Arm yourself, my heart: the thing that you must do is fearful, yet inevitable  (The Thing Quotes) She started off, walking fast, as if the speed of her steps could give form to the things she felt  (The Thing Quotes) The pleasure isn’t in doing the thing, the pleasure is in planning it  (The Thing Quotes) Very often the things we most desire come only after much patience and struggle  (The Thing Quotes) I get it. The things you hope for the most are the things that destroy you in the end  (The Thing Quotes) Never pretend that the things you haven’t got are not worth having  (The Thing Quotes) The most important thing about a person is always the thing you don’t know  (The Thing Quotes) I don’t think you can ever fill the empty space with the thing you lost  (The Thing Quotes) The thing you hate about yourself tends to be the thing that everyone likes about you  (The Thing Quotes) Most people weren’t aware enough to fear the things that could really hurt them  (The Thing Quotes)
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