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The Thing Quotes

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Usually, when the distractions of daily life deplete our energy, the first thing we eliminate is the thing we eliminate is the thing we need the most: quiet, reflective time. Time to dream, time to contemplate what's working and what's not, so that we can make changes for the better  (The Thing Quotes) "You must do the thing you think you cannot do," Eleanor Roosevelt once observed, and her life was spent proving the point  (The Thing Quotes) It is unwise to pay too little. When you pay too much, you lose a little money, that is all. When you pay too little, you sometimes lose everything because the thing you bought was incapable of doing what it was bought to do. The common law of business balance prohibits paying a little and getting a lot  (The Thing Quotes) I hope that what you give me comes not from your surplus but it is the fruit of a sacrifice made for the love of God. You must give what costs you, go without something you like, then you will truly be brothers to the poor who are deprived of even the things they need  (The Thing Quotes) The sin of worldliness is a preoccupation with the things of this temporal life. It's accepting and going along with the views and practices of society around us without discerning if they are biblical. I believe that the key to our tendencies toward worldliness lies primarily in the two words "going along". We simply go along with the values and practices of society  (The Thing Quotes) You'll join me sooner than you know in a place with... no illusions, where the truth is the only architecture, the only color, the only sound--where that which we sense merely on occasion, and which takes us up and gives us the rare and beautiful glimpses of the things we truly love, flows in deep rivers and tumbles about like clouds in the sky  (The Thing Quotes) The thing about her is, she's good-natured. He knew it the second he saw her standing by the parking meters. He could just tell from the soft way her belly looked. With women, you keep bumping against them, because they want different things, they're a different race. Either they give, like a plant, or scrape, like a stone. In all the green world nothing feels as good as a woman's good nature  (The Thing Quotes) What do you think it is that drives people to want far more than they could ever use or need? I frankly think it's insecurity. How do we let the world know that the trappings of this life are not the things that are ultimately important for being accepted?  (The Thing Quotes) The thing I remember best about successful people I've met all through the years is their obvious delight in what they're doing and it seems to have very little to do with worldly success. They just love what they're doing, and they love it in front of others  (The Thing Quotes) When we treat children's play as seriously as it deserves, we are helping them feel the joy that's to be found in the creative spirit. It's the things we play with and the people who help us play that make a great difference in our lives  (The Thing Quotes) A great measure of the real value of the things we have is how we feel when such things become scarce and absent in our lives  (The Thing Quotes) The greatest moments in life are not concerned with selfish achievements but rather with the things we do for the people we love and esteem  (The Thing Quotes) We were terrified to stop, stop anything, and admit that something was wrong. Activity, frenzied activity, seemed to be the thing we all felt we needed. Only Dad slowed down, and that wasn't until he was trapped in a hospital getting intravenous antibiotics. Everything would be all right, everything would be possible, anything could be salvaged or averted, as long as we all kept running around  (The Thing Quotes) We must find out what words are and how they function. They become images when written down, but images of words repeated in the mind and not of the image of the thing itself  (The Thing Quotes) That's one of the things books do. They help us talk. But they also give us something we can all talk about when we don't want to talk about ourselves  (The Thing Quotes) Of all the things I've done, the most vital is coordinating those who work with me and aiming their efforts at a certain goal  (The Thing Quotes) Or heritage and ideals, our code and standards - the things we live by and teach our children - are preserved or diminished by how freely we exchange ideas and feelings  (The Thing Quotes) We have created characters and animated them in the dimension of depth, revealing through them to our perturbed world that the things we have in common far outnumber and outweigh those that divide us  (The Thing Quotes) Whenever I go on a ride, I'm always thinking of what's wrong with the thing and how it can be improved  (The Thing Quotes) 'You are unreliable, Flavia, ' he said. 'Utterly unreliable.' Of course I was! It was one of the things I loved most about myself  (The Thing Quotes) Teach us to know that we cannot know, for the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God. Let faith support us where reason fails, and we shall think because we believe, not in order that we may believe  (The Thing Quotes) But getting back to my old friend water, the thing of it is this: No matter how hot or how cold, no matter its state, its form, its qualities, or its color, each molecule of water still consists of no more than a single oxygen atom bonded to two sister atoms of hydrogen. It takes all three of them to make a blinding blizzard- or a thunderstorm, for that matter … or a puffy white cloud in a summer sky. O Lord, how manifold are thy works!  (The Thing Quotes) Your poor heart, in which God put appreciation for everlastingness, will not take electronic gadgets in lieu of eternal life. Something inside of you is too big for that, too terrible, too wonderful. God has set everlastingness in your heart. All the things of this world are here for but a moment and then are gone. None can satisfy the longing for that eternal ragging in the soul of every man  (The Thing Quotes) There's an unwritten law of the universe which assures that the thing you seek will always be found in the last place you look. It applies to everything in life from lost socks to misplaced poisons  (The Thing Quotes) The thing about life is that you must survive. Life is going to be difficult, and dreadful things will happen. What you do is move along, get on with it, and be tough. Not in the sense of being mean to others, but being tough with yourself and making a deadly effort not to be defeated  (The Thing Quotes) Funny the things which civilization has to offer when one misses. Flooring is a lovely thing. Gives one confidence. During my five weeks' occupancy the mud floor stayed wet in spite of great care on my part not to slop the water again. It never did properly dry, because the hut was necessarily dark. No direct sun came in, and the humidity was so terrific that even in direct sunlight nothing ever dried out. Curious to live on a slippery surface. A floor is a very important item  (The Thing Quotes) The past is unclear. It's as if there is a film over those early years. I can't even be sure that the things I remember happening really happened to me  (The Thing Quotes) It is only the things we don't understand that have any meaning. Man woke up in a world he did not understand, and that is why he tries to interpret it  (The Thing Quotes) But here is the thing. When he gets on me, I suddenly feel I am fat. I feel am terrifically fat, so fat that Rudy is a tiny thing and hardly there at all  (The Thing Quotes) Whenever we give up, leave behind, and forget too much, there is always the danger that the things we have neglected will return with added force  (The Thing Quotes)
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