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The Thing Quotes

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So excuse me forgetting, but these things I do you see I've forgotten, if they're green or they're blue anyway, the thing is, what I really mean yours are the sweetest eyes, I've ever seen  (The Thing Quotes) God has scattered several degrees of pleasure and pain in all the things that environ and affect us, and blended them together in almost all our thoughts  (The Thing Quotes) The things we want are transformative, and we don't know or only think we know what is on the other side of that transformation Never to get lost is not to live  (The Thing Quotes) Money is the general medium of exchange. It is the thing for which all other goods are traded, the means of final payment for such goods on the market  (The Thing Quotes) I started with the firm conviction that when I came to the end, I wanted to be regretting the things that I had done, not the things I hadn't  (The Thing Quotes) There is an excellent rule to follow; quarrel, not with the person who said the things (you can never be sure they were said), but with the person who has told of their being said  (The Thing Quotes) So I taught Sunday school and brought dishes to all manner of potlucks and tried to adjust the things I heard from the pulpit to my increasingly incongruent faith  (The Thing Quotes) If men could regard the events of their lives with more open minds they would frequently discover that they did not really desire the thing they failed to obtain  (The Thing Quotes) The thing with Linux is that the developers themselves are actually customers too: that has always been an important part of Linux  (The Thing Quotes) I don't want any of the things that I fear to happen, but this I know, if they do, my God will take care of me  (The Thing Quotes) I think the things we want most in life, the things we think will set us free, are not the thing we need  (The Thing Quotes) The thing formed says that nothing formed it; and that which is made is, while that which made it is not! The folly is infinite  (The Thing Quotes) Don't worry about what you can't control. Our focus and energy needs to be on the things we CAN control. Attitude, effort, focus- these are the things we can control  (The Thing Quotes) The Spirit reveals, unfolds, takes of the things of Christ and shows them to us, and prepares us to be more than a match for Satanic forces  (The Thing Quotes) One of the things is challenging yourself to do a Rome show when everybody's done a Rome show. To find some aspect of food culture or chef culture that people can look at in a new way  (The Thing Quotes) The things we laugh at are awful while they are going on, but get funny when we look back. and other people laugh because they've been through it too. The closest thing to humor is tragedy  (The Thing Quotes) The spirit, the will to win, and the will to excel are the things that endure. These qualities are so much more important than the events that occur  (The Thing Quotes) Regardless of what you do put in, every game boils down to doing the things you do best and doing them over and over again  (The Thing Quotes) To recognize that some of the things our culture believes are not true imposes on us the duty of finding out which are true and which are not  (The Thing Quotes) There must be a better way to make the things we want, a way that doesn't spoil the sky, or the rain or the land  (The Thing Quotes) If I'm ever to reach any understanding of myself and the things around me, I must learn to stand alone. That's why I can't stay here with you any longer  (The Thing Quotes) When you are corn and roses and at rest I shall endure, a dense and sanguine ghost to haunt the scene where I was happiest to bend above the thing I loved the most  (The Thing Quotes) Talk about rationality can get very confusing unless the things with which rationality deals are also included  (The Thing Quotes) My wife, she still gives me a hard time, and says I hunt too much or I like to play golf too much. And she’s probably right, but it sure beats some of the things I used to do  (The Thing Quotes) Why do we spend so much of our limited time on this earth focusing on all the things that our eulogies will never cover?  (The Thing Quotes) Be bold and courageous. When you look back on your life, you’ll regret the things you didn’t do more than the ones you did  (The Thing Quotes) I look at myself and pick out the things I don’t like. No matter how much I work out, I never get muscle tone in my butt and hip area  (The Thing Quotes) The thing about film-making is I give it everything, that’s why I work so hard. I always tell young actors to take charge. It’s not that hard. Sign your own cheques, be responsible  (The Thing Quotes) Pay as much attention to the things that are working positively in your life as you do to the things that give you trouble  (The Thing Quotes) Men give the same lines to different women for the same reason women wear the same perfume for different men; we all try the things that work  (The Thing Quotes)
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