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The Thing Quotes

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While most of the things you’ve worried about have never happened, it’s a different story with the things you haven’t worried about. They are the ones that happen  (The Thing Quotes) The public may think I’m weird. They may think I’m crazy or anything that anyone wants to think about me. That’s all fine. As long as one of the things you’re not thinking about me is that I’m a pedophile. Because that’s not true  (The Thing Quotes) If you look at the content of songs people write, it’s usually about the things they know best  (The Thing Quotes) I think the thing about that was I was always willing to work; I was not the fastest or biggest player but I was determined to be the best football player I could be on the football field and I think I was able to accomplish that through hard work  (The Thing Quotes) The things that are happening to me are unbelievable. I’m actually busier right now than when I played football. This is almost like I’m coming back out of retirement. It will be fun to see myself in the game  (The Thing Quotes) And I guess the thing that I really sort of rely on in me is that I love racing and I love competing and so I know that you know when the time comes and the pressure’s on and I have to swim well, I’m sort of able to pull it out and sort of get the best out of myself  (The Thing Quotes) The thing about it is almost everyone could pass that way, but we were kept from doing it by our coaches  (The Thing Quotes) I trained like an animal, but the thing is focus and concentration. When the bell rings it’s like when the little red light goes on over the camera. And I can usually nail my lines on the first or second take because I’m right there  (The Thing Quotes) And so it’s inescapable and people who proclaim scrupulous honesty can only proclaim that if they don’t examine closely the things they believe  (The Thing Quotes) The thing that you’re faulted on today is not that you are too tough, or not that you aren’t careful. It’s that you might have been too soft. People want that red meat now because you have to keep up with the mood and the mood today is harsh. It really is  (The Thing Quotes) The reader has to be creative when he’s reading. He has to try to make the thing alive. A good reader has to do a certain amount of work when he is reading  (The Thing Quotes) The most important thing about skating is that it teaches you to do the things you should do before you do the things you want to do  (The Thing Quotes) I’ve dated some women who have turned me on to some funny things that are strange for men to actually do, but these things have become part of my process. I think the things I do for my appearance help make me look better. I even colour my hair because I like how it makes me look  (The Thing Quotes) Where conscious subjectivity is concerned, there is no distinction between the observation and the thing observed  (The Thing Quotes) Dr. King’s general principles are universal. But the things he confronted took place in another era  (The Thing Quotes) The thing I’m the most proud of in my personal life is that my daughter actually thinks that I’m fabulous  (The Thing Quotes) One of the things that has always motivated me to write is the desire to get it out and look at it in an objective way, so that it doesn’t cause me any serious pain by staying inside  (The Thing Quotes) I think that’s the thing. I don’t want to date a celebrity. I want to date a normal person. So I’m looking for a normal person  (The Thing Quotes) The thing that I want to do, the most important thing to me is winning. How we do it, I really don’t care  (The Thing Quotes) I’m not really afraid of the dark, except if I’m walking. The thing that scares me the most is the possibility of walking into a wall and busting my lip  (The Thing Quotes) Well, I’m not sure, but of one thing I am certain: History judges one differently than contemporary observers, and so I think that as time passes, I hope that not me personally so much, but our administration will be seen for some of the things that we accomplished  (The Thing Quotes) I think it’s important to stretch as you get older, but I try to do basically all the things I did when I played, except I can’t do them as well and as much  (The Thing Quotes) The price of indulging yourself in your youth in the things you cannot afford is poverty and dependence in your old age  (The Thing Quotes) In terms of playing ability there is nothing to choose between number one and 100. Instead, it’s a question of who believes and who wants it more? Which player is mentally stronger? Which player is going to fight the hardest in the big points? These are the things that determine who is the champion  (The Thing Quotes) At the same time, one of the things I noticed was that the moment there was any kind of audio attached to virtual reality, it really improved the experience, even though the audio didn’t feel like a sound engineer or composer had been anywhere near it  (The Thing Quotes) I was a typical farm boy. I liked the farm. I enjoyed the things that you do on a farm, go down to the drainage ditch and fish, and look at the crawfish and pick a little cotton  (The Thing Quotes) What I try to do for my readers is to pass on some of the things that I found out about being thirteen after doing it for forty years  (The Thing Quotes) I sometimes truly despair at ever being meaningfully altered and affected by the things I claim are so important to me  (The Thing Quotes) I was blessed in the sense that I got handed so much early on in life. I got a lot of the things people go through their 20s and 30s craving  (The Thing Quotes) When you’re working with a smaller budget I suppose one of the things that has to be in your mind when you are writing is that you have to keep the characters down to a minimum  (The Thing Quotes)
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