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The Thing Quotes

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One of the things you learn being in the public eye is that you have the ability to raise awareness about serious issues, and, in the process, really help people  (The Thing Quotes) Players don’t really ask for much or want much. But the things that they do need are important  (The Thing Quotes) The thing that bothered me when I was in college was that I saw myself rejecting the way of life that got me to where I was  (The Thing Quotes) I was brought up to be a good boy and proud of myself so I suppress all the things about me that are bad  (The Thing Quotes) That’s the thing with suicide pacts. Sometimes they only really work if they catch you by surprise  (The Thing Quotes) When you strike a blow, do not let your mind dally on it, not concerning yourself with whether or not it is a telling blow; you should strike again and again, over and over, even four or five times. The thing is not to let your opponent even raise his head  (The Thing Quotes) Sometimes the things we want most are the hardest to get. That means you need to be even more determined to succeed. That’s what it takes to be a winner. You have to want it bad enough to stick with it no matter how tough things get  (The Thing Quotes) Simply having rules does not change the things that people want to do. You have to change incentives  (The Thing Quotes) The thing that I love about acting is the fact that I can help people feel things, know themselves or feel less alone. It’s my form of expression, in the same way that someone might paint a picture or sing a song in that you’re hoping that it moves somebody outside of their own way of thinking  (The Thing Quotes) There are a lot of myths about my injuries. They say I have broken every bone in my body. Not true. But I have broken 35 bones. I had surgery 14 times to pin and plate. I shattered my pelvis. I forget all of the things that have broke  (The Thing Quotes) I just try to think of all the things that could go wrong so in that split second when it happens, maybe your body reacts in a way where it protects you just a little  (The Thing Quotes) I was this role model for heavy people. But the thing is, I never set out to be a role model at all, and I don’t set out to be one now. I won’t preach to anyone and tell them how to lose weight. I don’t know any better than the next person  (The Thing Quotes) Every script I’ve written and every series I’ve produced have expressed the things I most deeply believe  (The Thing Quotes) One of the things I love about acting is that it reveals a certain something about yourself, but it doesn’t reveal your own personal story  (The Thing Quotes) So many of the things I’ve predicted were technologies that were just sitting right in front of us  (The Thing Quotes) A politician wouldn’t dream of being allowed to call a columnist the things a columnist is allowed to call a politician  (The Thing Quotes) Most remarks that are worth making are commonplace remarks. The things that makes them worth saying is that we really mean them  (The Thing Quotes) Man is so muddled, so dependent on the things immediately before his eyes, that every day even the most submissive believer can be seen to risk the torments of the afterlife for the smallest pleasure  (The Thing Quotes) For much of my life there was no place where the things I wanted to investigate were of interest to anyone  (The Thing Quotes) If nothing else in life, I want to be true to the things I believe in, and quite simply, to what I’m all about. I know I’d better, because it seems whenever I take a false step or two I feel the consequences  (The Thing Quotes) If at the end of the day, people look at it and say, oh, yeah, I liked his stuff, or for the most part I liked his stuff, or I’ve enjoyed watching some of the things he’s done, that’s all I can hope for  (The Thing Quotes) One of the things that’s clear to me from interviews that I’ve read is that the more popular successful jazz musicians had audiences above and beyond the music community  (The Thing Quotes) To progress in life you must give up the things you do not like. Give up doing the things that you do not like to do. You must find the things that you do like. The things that are acceptable to your mind  (The Thing Quotes) I’ve done approximately 15 films, and most of the things I’ve done have either been stunt or costume work  (The Thing Quotes) All the children in the school should learn the steps of everything, before they learn the thing, then they know which step they’re doing better, because your voice is in certain steps and has to do most of the things that have been composed in those steps  (The Thing Quotes) The universal principle of etymology in all languages: words are carried over from bodies and from the properties of bodies to express the things of the mind and spirit. The order of ideas must follow the order of things  (The Thing Quotes) The thing I don’t understand is why so often one hears discussion of the fruits of human labor as if it’s all the creation of some alien race  (The Thing Quotes) Poets, we know, are terribly sensitive people, and in my observation one of the things they are most sensitive about is money  (The Thing Quotes) Somehow, the things my mother wanted to do, the release in evangelism she sought with such frenzy, were transferred to me  (The Thing Quotes) It wasn’t on my agenda, but the thing about getting important awards is it makes the adventure of your career have a little more possibility. I think just what’s happened so far is already making the opportunities more interesting, even though I’m at the twilight of my career of like 48 years  (The Thing Quotes)
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