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The Thing Quotes

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I do still love you. I don’t love you enough to be able to give you the things we dreamed about and planned  (The Thing Quotes) Sometimes my whole life seems like a dream; occasionally I think that someone else has lived it for me. The events and the sensations, the stories and the things that make me what I am in the eyes of other people, the list of facts that make my life... They could be mine, they might be yours  (The Thing Quotes) ... you’re waiting because you thought it would follow, you thought there would be some logic, perhaps, something to pull it all together but here we are in the weeds again, here we are in the bowels of the thing: your world doesn’t make sense  (The Thing Quotes) ... it struck me as so hard to believe I was really getting what I wanted; it was always easier to feel the lack of something than the thing itself  (The Thing Quotes) Falling in love with a house or a car or a pair of shoes, it was a dead end. You save your love for the things that can love you back  (The Thing Quotes) I am living my real life, this is it. Now is now, and if I waited to be happier, waited to have fun, waited to do the things that I know I ought to do, I might never get the chance  (The Thing Quotes) Smell is important. It reminds a person of all the things he’s been through; it is a sheath of memories and security  (The Thing Quotes) The preface? Why would he waste time with the preface? Skip the preface and move on to the meat of the thing!  (The Thing Quotes) I’m not a legend or a hero, I don’t slay dragons, I don’t do any of the things that a real hero can. But I can make things better, one day at a time, for most of the kingdom  (The Thing Quotes) I’ll never stop caring. But the thing about caring is, it’s inconvenient. Sometimes you’ve got to give when it makes no sense to at all. Sometimes you’ve got to give until it hurts  (The Thing Quotes) Things don’t just happen, they have reasons. And the reasons have reasons. And the reasons for the reasons have reasons. And then the things that happen make other things happen, so they become reasons themselves. Nothing moves forward in a straight line, nothing is straightforward  (The Thing Quotes) Reality is such a pain. Those of us who were fed up with that kind of reality decided to remake it. We’d set up a partition, separate what’s important to us from what was trash, put only the things we loved on our side, and got rid of the rest  (The Thing Quotes) Because here’s the thing: No matter how much one tells stories of magical beasts or impossible worlds, in the end, it is always the world of here and now one is writing about. The better one understands that world, the more powerful the stories will be  (The Thing Quotes) The silence is the worst part of any fight, because it’s made up of all the things we wish we could say, if only we had the guts  (The Thing Quotes) We leave something of ourselves behind when we leave a place. We stay there even though we go away and there are things in us we can find again only by going back there. We travel to ourselves when we go to a place. We have covered a stretch of our life no matter how brief it may have been but by traveling to ourselves we must confront our own loneliness. And isn’t it so that everything we do is done out of fear of our loneliness? Isn’t that why we renounce all the things we will regret at the end of our life?  (The Thing Quotes) To know the way, we go the way, we do the way. The way we do, the things we do, it’s all there in front of you. But if you try too hard to see it, you’ll only become confused. I am me and you are you. As you can see; but when you do the things that you can do, you will find the way. The way will follow you  (The Thing Quotes) Prayer is the soul’s sincere desire. Your desire is your prayer. It comes out of your deepest needs and it reveals the things you want in life  (The Thing Quotes) Oh, we are going to be so happy away from all the things that almost got us but couldn’t quite because we were too smart for them!  (The Thing Quotes) I will never, ever regret the things I’ve done. Because most days, all you have are places in your memory that you can go to  (The Thing Quotes) The things that really shake the human soul aren’t beauty or kindness. Although such things are certainly moving, but those feelings don’t last long. But... anger or sadness are different. They leave an undelible mark. Even after the wound heals... you can never forget the pain completely  (The Thing Quotes) And then there were the wallflowers who had recognized for years that the thing was hopeless, who had found in that information a kind of calm. They no longer tried, with a bright and desperate effort, to sustain a conversation with somebody’s brother, somebody’s usher, somebody’s roommate, somebody’s roommate’s usher’s brother... The category of wallflower who had given up on all this was very quiet, not indifferent, only quiet. And she always brought a book  (The Thing Quotes) Because every one of us has our box, a dark chamber stowing the thing that lanced our heart. It contains what you do everything for, strive for, wound everything around you  (The Thing Quotes) I am conscious that knowing me has caused you pain, and grief, and I hope that one day when you are less angry with me and less upset you will see not just that I could only have done the thing that I did, but also that this will help you live a really good life, a better life, than if you hadn’t met me  (The Thing Quotes) The thing that scares me is that some part of me understands where they’re coming from. They took everything from us, you know? Why shouldn’t we be able to take it back if we have the power to?  (The Thing Quotes) To comprehend a man’s life, it is necessary to know not merely what he does but also what he purposely leaves undone. There is a limit to the work that can be got out of a human body or a human brain, and he is a wise man who wastes no energy on pursuits for which he is not fitted; and he is till wiser who, from among the things that he can do well, chooses and resolutely follows the best  (The Thing Quotes) I’ve observed over and over that people seem to get a much deeper sense of fulfillment out of something they’ve done as an act of service than out of the things they do for themselves  (The Thing Quotes) Being a professional is doing the things you love to do, on the days you don’t feel like doing them  (The Thing Quotes) One of the things I have learned over 26 years in the business is that the most productive place to focus new business efforts on is current clients. Think about it you have the relationship, you have inside knowledge of the company, the people and often, the brand, so it’s a much less diverting exercise. Simply put, the odds of getting a higher share with current clients is much better than getting in the front door with new ones  (The Thing Quotes) Doing the things we do now and doing them better, cheaper and faster will take us far. But it will not take us far enough. We’re going to have to do new things in new ways  (The Thing Quotes) So I am happy with what I did. And I tell you something, when an artist does something, he doesn’t have at the beginning, big goals and objectives, you do the thing because you love it  (The Thing Quotes)
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