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The Thing Quotes

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There is a virtue, I must presume, in shamelessness, since by placing on parade the things one does not know, one discovers that no one else knows either  (The Thing Quotes) I agree with you that it is important to examine our presuppositions, throughly and once for all, in order to establish something solid. For I hold that it is only when we can prove all that we bring forward that we perfectly understand the thing under consideration. I know that the common herd takes little pleasure in these researches, but I know also that the common herd take little pains thoroughly to understand things  (The Thing Quotes) You think money can solve any problem, but all it s good for is buying the things it can, and leaving you free to pursue the things it can’t  (The Thing Quotes) I always wanted kids I could take to work, and for them to experience the things I experience. So, having three boys as a footballer was a dream  (The Thing Quotes) One of the things I’ve tried to do with my life is redefine the boundaries that I think are very limiting. I’m not suggesting that everybody should have three girlfriends, or necessarily have girlfriends living with them. I think there are many, many options to living your life  (The Thing Quotes) In writing... remember that the biggest stories are not written about wars, or about politics, or even murders. The biggest stories are written about the things which draw human beings closer together  (The Thing Quotes) Run with your heart instead of your mind. When you think with your mind, you think of the things you can and can’t do. But when you run with your heart you forget about what you can’t do, and you just go out and do it  (The Thing Quotes) When you’re talking about the thing that is most important to someone, they’re liable to feel something strong  (The Thing Quotes) You don’t realize all the things you have in this world, much more than you need, and you do much less than you can  (The Thing Quotes) I don’t like the beach. I think we have no business at the beach at all, as a species. We don’t belong in the sea. The sea is full of things that bite us, sting us, hurt the soles of our feet, and it’s extremely cold. When are we gonna take the hint that the things that live in the sea don’t like us?  (The Thing Quotes) A lot of them complain because they say the word denial puts them in the same bin as holocaust deniers. That’s too bad. But the thing is, they do have something in common: a denial of evidence and of scientific consensus  (The Thing Quotes) The rhythm of the water, the sunset over the horizon, and the freedom of the ocean reminds me of how simply beautiful life can be. When you move too fast you can miss the things that mean the most. My love for th ocean reminds me of my love for the snow, and my love for life. So enjoy all that life has to offer  (The Thing Quotes) The family is the essential presence, the thing that never leaves you, even if you find you have to leave it  (The Thing Quotes) The things you don’t have control over, you don’t worry about. I have control over my attitude, my perception, how I do things, and you do the very best job you can. Other people have control over other things and you let them do their jobs  (The Thing Quotes) I think that one of the things that you do learn is that falling in love and being in love with someone is a rarity. That you don’t fall in love as many times as you think you’re going to. And then when you do, it’s really special; it’s really important  (The Thing Quotes) When you hold your baby in your arms the first time, and you think of all the things you can say and do to influence him, it’s a tremendous responsibility. What you do with him can influence not only him, but everyone he meets and not for a day or a month or a year but for time and eternity  (The Thing Quotes) Most people’s major life regrets are not about the things they’ve done, but about the things they’ve not done, the goals they never reached, the type of lover or friend or parent they wished they’d been but know they failed to be  (The Thing Quotes) Your anger will cool into hardened passionate insight if you wait a day. Most of the things that make me angry I let them sit. The heat that remains will be sufficient. The stuff that evaporates is the stuff that would have simply offended or made it histrionic  (The Thing Quotes) If you’d been where I’d been... if you’d seen the things I’d seen!... you... you’d be me... Or someone following me around  (The Thing Quotes) I’d like to be remembered as someone who used their ability as a novelist or as a dramatist to say the things he felt needed to be said about the society while being as entertaining as possible. Because if you don’t entertain, nobody’s listening  (The Thing Quotes) The people that tell you what you enjoy is wrong, or come in your life and tell you what you’re wearing is wrong are miserable because they focus on the things that they don’t like  (The Thing Quotes) The important thing was that we were being polite and not saying all the things that were making us unhappy, which was the only way we knew how to love each other  (The Thing Quotes) We cannot get from anyone else the things we need to fill the endless terrible need, not to be dissolved, not to sink back into sand, heat, broom, air, thinnest air. And so we revolve around each other and our dreams collide. Look out the window in any weather. We are part of all that glamour, drama, change, and should not be ashamed  (The Thing Quotes) Looking at the media today, I’m quite ashamed of myself, of things I’ve participated in. Everything is marketed to sex and gossip and it’s just a shame that those are the things at the forefront, on people’s minds, those are the things that make you popular, what you have on or how little you have on and it has nothing to do with music, nothing to do with sports it has nothing to do with the things so many communities put their faith in. It’s just a sad place to be  (The Thing Quotes) To discover the thing you’re brilliant at you first have to endure realizing all the things you’re average at  (The Thing Quotes) There are so many kinds of time. The time by which we measure our lives. Months and years. Or the big time, the time that raises mountains and makes stars. Or all the things that happen between one heartbeat and the next. Its hard to live in all those kinds of times. Easy to forget that you live in all of them  (The Thing Quotes) A lot of people like to do certain things, but they’re not that good at it. Keep going through the things that you like to do, until you find something that you actually seem to be extremely good at. It can be anything  (The Thing Quotes) Fear not; the things that you are afraid of are quite likely to happen to you, but they are nothing to be afraid of  (The Thing Quotes) In the end, creativity isn’t just the things we choose to put in, it’s the things we choose to leave out  (The Thing Quotes) The thing is: It takes a lot of energy to be creative. You don’t have that energy if you waste it on other stuff  (The Thing Quotes)
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