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The Thing Quotes

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You have to believe in the process. You have to believe in the things that you are doing to help the team win. I think you have to take the good with the bad  (The Thing Quotes) When the mind soars in pursuit of the things conceived in space... it pursues emptiness; but when man dives deep within himself, he experiences the fullness of existence  (The Thing Quotes) I’ve always thought that there shouldn’t be any limit to the things that are well designed. And I think that people who consider that art should only be kept for art galleries and doesn’t have a role in public life, I think that’s too narrow  (The Thing Quotes) If I make a painting, it should be seen for what it’s set out to do too. A lot of the things that I do, it’s not all art. Some of it’s design, some of it’s illustration, some of it’s graphics, some of it’s concept, some of it’s business and some of it, hopefully, is art  (The Thing Quotes) The thing you can do better than anyone else is love your children, because they’re your children  (The Thing Quotes) I’m not the type of person who likes to look backwards. I’ve always felt compelled to move forward and I’ve never been one to dwell in the past. All the people I’ve met, all the places I’ve been, and all the things that I’ve done have simply been part of who I am  (The Thing Quotes) The thing which makes one man greater than another, the quality by which we ought to measure greatness, is a man’s capacity for loving  (The Thing Quotes) Not only does art imitate life but life imitates art. Perhaps we not only learn about life from stories, perhaps we make our lives through the stories we tell ourselves about the things that happen to us  (The Thing Quotes) One of the things I have come up against time and again in my career is the notion that because a book is easy to read it was somehow easy to write  (The Thing Quotes) Do the things you think you cannot do. Do all the good you can, by all the means available, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, all the times you can, for as long as ever you can. Our own feelings of helplessness are our own worst enemy  (The Thing Quotes) The thing we’re all looking for is happiness, and if we achieve just a modicum of that or even a little piece of serenity even for five minutes a day, we’re very lucky  (The Thing Quotes) Here’s the thing: life is now. It’s not ten pounds from now, it’s not twenty pounds from now, it’s not a million dollars from now. It’s right now. And you just have to take a chance  (The Thing Quotes) When you look to the past, don’t sit and dwell on your regrets. Instead, focus on the things you learned from each experience and how they may enrich your future. Use the past not as something to hold you back, but as a method for reaffirming the drive to move forward on your chosen path  (The Thing Quotes) Our needs are our greatest asset. It turns out I’ve learned to give all the things that I need  (The Thing Quotes) In sport you always think the strongest guy should be going for it and getting the best results. The thing is, cycling also has a very important team aspect, which I don’t think that a lot of people fully grasp  (The Thing Quotes) The thing that I always notice that dates a record is the rhythm section. With a good arranger the music can be timeless. But, rhythm can change, because heaven knows, we didn’t know rock was going to come in, did we?  (The Thing Quotes) When I think of a place of worship, I think of a place where one can sit and be reminded of all the things that are important outside our individual lives. To express spirituality, the architect has to think of the original material of architecture, space and light  (The Thing Quotes) The only way to find your voice is to use it. It’s hardwired, built into you. Talk about the things you love. Your voice will follow  (The Thing Quotes) Beauty is the result of realizing what is special about you and not focusing on the things you don’t like  (The Thing Quotes) Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding. For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver, and the gain thereof than fine gold; She is more precious than rubies, and all the things that can be compared unto her. Length of days is in her right hand; and in her left hand riches and honour. Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace  (The Thing Quotes) Our mechanics are engineered so that we can survive quite a lot, but I think our need to be loved is so great that it’s the thing that damages us the most  (The Thing Quotes) I don’t like to talk to people, because I can’t express myself satisfactorily. I don’t say the things I mean  (The Thing Quotes) Attention is the key to life. Whatever you really give your attention to, you become. Whatever you really concentrate upon will come into your life. We grow into the thing that fills our thoughts as inevitably as the stream merges into the ocean at last  (The Thing Quotes) The past, for everyone, is full of missed chances, surviving to understand them, if not set them straight, is one of the things that makes the next breath worth taking  (The Thing Quotes) Some days I will be a stuttering apology and you won’t know how to handle all the things I’ve done wrong  (The Thing Quotes) Life, if you live it right, keeps surprising you, and the thing that keeps surprising you the most…is yourself  (The Thing Quotes) The way to start writing isn’t by writing at all. But by living. It isn’t about creating something from thin air, but about documenting our personal feelings about the things that we see. Or to put it crudely, how are you going to be a storyteller if you have no story to tell? Perhaps, in the end, there are no such things as creative people; they are only sharp observers with sensitive hearts  (The Thing Quotes) The challenge of photography is to show the thing photographed so that our feelings are awakened and hidden aspects are revealed to us  (The Thing Quotes) The wind comes creeping, it calls to me to come go exploring. It sings of the things that are to be found under the leaves. It whispers the dreams of the tall fir trees. It does pipe the gentle song the forest sings on gray days. I hear all the voices calling me. I listen. But I cannot go  (The Thing Quotes) I did direct two short movies. I learned many things, and one of the things I learned was that I am not a director. It has to be visceral, and it’s not for me. I feel much more comfortable acting  (The Thing Quotes)
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