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The Thing Quotes

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I always look for roles that make me feel good about being a girl. I have to say that there are a lot of roles out there that make me feel really bad about being a girl. You can imagine what the things are and I shall not go into detail  (The Thing Quotes) The thing that’s very close in the process is writing and acting, not directing. Directing’s very different  (The Thing Quotes) One of the things I love about acting is that I can enter into these other people’s lives. But going back to being me at the end of the day is very important, too. That process of remembering who I am  (The Thing Quotes) I am living for every day and trying to have less fear, less worry. But I have always worried about everything; it’s in my nature. It’s the thing that makes me suffer the most  (The Thing Quotes) I can walk into a room and create a good ambience. I was taught all about this back when I studied acting. One of the things they would teach you is how to send out positive signals when you enter a room. I am glad I learned this  (The Thing Quotes) If you hide behind the things you don’t want to talk about then you’re going to feel insecure in all aspects of your life  (The Thing Quotes) Change your mind and it will change your life. If nothing around you changes, changes the things that are around you  (The Thing Quotes) The thing is, when I had my first success it did coincide with the end of my first marriage, and because I went on to have a very, very unhappy two years, I don’t think I equate career success with personal happiness  (The Thing Quotes) The thing is I’m very interested in bad taste, as anyone who’s ever seen me perform or had dinner with me would know  (The Thing Quotes) I turned down a lot of easier opportunities in order to go for the things that I really and ultimately wanted to do. And what’s really nice is that it’s starting to work. I’ve been an actor for coming up on 14 years now and the level of activity that’s taking place now is a culmination of a slow cooker approach to as opposed to a microwave  (The Thing Quotes) Being able to travel and see the world really makes me appreciate the blessings in my life. There are so many people that will never get a chance to see some of the things that I’ve seen during my travels. I’ll never take that for granted  (The Thing Quotes) We must not indulge our inclinations, as we do little children, till they grow weary of the thing they are unwilling to let go. We must not continue our sinful practices in hopes that the divine grace will one day overpower our spirits, and make us hate them for their own deformity  (The Thing Quotes) Because even when there is no hope, somehow you can still find a place to pin inside the things that you need  (The Thing Quotes) I can honestly say that two weeks after the national championship year, I’d forgotten about it and started laying the groundwork for spring practice. And so every year, that’s been the thing that’s motivated me  (The Thing Quotes) I want to make clear only that words are not the things spoken about, and that there is no such thing as an object in absolute isolation  (The Thing Quotes) One of the things I’ve always tried to do is to inject myself as much as possible into the movie, so I feel like it’s mine  (The Thing Quotes) It’s me. I’m the thing that needs to be fixed. I’m the thing that needs to be handled. I’m the scandal. And the best way to deal with a scandal is to shut it down  (The Thing Quotes) If you only ever did the things you don’t want to do, you’d have everything you’ve ever wanted  (The Thing Quotes) The things you do not have to say make you rich. Saying the things you do not have to say weakens your talk. Hearing the things you do not have to hear dulls your hearing. And the things you know before you hear them; these are you and the reason you are in the world  (The Thing Quotes) There are no secrets of success. Success is doing the things you know you should do. Success is not doing the things you know you shouldn’t do. Success is not limited to any one area of your life. It encompasses all the facets of your relationships: as parent, as wife or husband, as citizen, neighbor, worker and all of the others. Success is not confined to any one part of your personality but is related to the development of all the parts: body, mind, heart and spirit. It is making the most of your total self  (The Thing Quotes) I never went to stage school or anything like that. It was always plays, productions at school and things like that. The thing for me with acting was it was the only thing I could fully concentrate on. I loved playing sports. I didn’t really love studying  (The Thing Quotes) Dreaming is a form of action. Idleness is a form of action. The idle man stares at the sky and sees what constitutes our eternal ceiling. The sky is one of the things that constructs us, one of our constants. But it is not what people believe. I should like to close this circle by turning over in my bed and scrutinizing the stars  (The Thing Quotes) With a short lens I can reveal the hidden things near at hand, with a long lens the hidden things far away. The telephoto lens provides a new visual sensation for people: it widens their horizons. And, conversely, the things under our nose invariably look good when blown up really big  (The Thing Quotes) Write plays that matter. Raise the stakes. Shout, yell, holler, but make yourself heard. It’s time for playwrights to reclaim the theatre. We do that by speaking from the heart about the things that matter most to us. If a play isn’t worth dying for, maybe it isn’t worth writing  (The Thing Quotes) It is too often seen, that the wiser men are about the things of this world, the less wise they are about the things of the next  (The Thing Quotes) An advantage to volleyball is that you have a scoreboard to tell how you have done as a team. The thing is, in life there is no scoreboard, at least not one that you can see  (The Thing Quotes) We should pray and seek for knowledge which would enable us to portray and project the things we love in music, in a way that might wholly or in some part, be appreciated as having been conceived and composed or performed and presented with dedication and in positive taste  (The Thing Quotes) The thing that makes me feel powerful is when I make a decision about something and I make it happen  (The Thing Quotes) One of the things I learned on the street was to trust life and to keep hands off of it, and that feeling continues in the rest of the works that I do, the portrait, the landscapes, or any interest that I have. Things are good enough as they are, there’s no reason to tamper with them  (The Thing Quotes) A lot of hitters stay away from the plate, some are close up, some are forward, some are back. The thing about hitting is this: You have to know the strike zone. That’s the most important thing. Hit strikes and put the bat on the ball  (The Thing Quotes)
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