The true friend of truth and good loves them under all forms, but he loves them most under the most simple form

The true friend of truth and good loves them under all forms, but he loves them most under the most simple form
Johann Kaspar Lavater was a Swiss poet, philosopher, and theologian who believed in the power of truth and goodness. He was a firm believer that true friends of truth and good would love them in all forms, but most especially in their simplest form. This belief is reflected in his writings and teachings, where he emphasized the importance of simplicity and honesty in all aspects of life.Lavater believed that the true essence of truth and goodness lies in their simplicity. He argued that when we strip away the complexities and distractions of the world, we are able to see the pure and unadulterated beauty of truth and goodness. In their simplest form, truth and goodness are clear, transparent, and undeniable. They do not need to be dressed up or embellished in order to be recognized and appreciated.
For Lavater, a true friend of truth and goodness is someone who is able to see and appreciate these qualities in their most basic and unadorned state. This person is not swayed by appearances or superficialities, but instead seeks out the fundamental truths and virtues that lie at the core of all things. They are able to discern the true nature of people and situations, and to act in accordance with their principles and values.