The Who Quotes

Text Quotes
The whole fabric of our religion is based on superstitious beliefin lies that have been foisted upon us for ages by those directly above us, to whose personal profit and aggrandizement it was to have us continue to believe as they wished us to believe (The Who Quotes)
The whole point of faith, in fact, is to believe regardless of the evidence, which is the very antithesis of science (The Who Quotes)
My mom is the greatest mom in the whole wide world. She’s done everything for me to make my dreams come true (The Who Quotes)
Lord, where shall I find you? Your place is lofty and secret. And where shall I not find you? The whole earth is full of your glory! You are found in our innermost heart, yet you fixed earth’s boundaries. You are a strong tower for those who are near and the trust of those who go far. I have sought to come near you; I have called to you with all my heart; and when I went out towards you, I found you coming towards me (The Who Quotes)
It has become accepted doctrine that we must attempt to study the whole man. Actually we cannot study even a whole tree or a whole guinea pig. But it is a whole tree and a whole guinea pig that have survived and evolved, and we must make the attempt (The Who Quotes)
A good base stealer should make the whole infield jumpy. Whether you steal or not, you’re changing the rhythm of the game. If the pitcher is concerned about you, he isn’t concentrating enough on the batter (The Who Quotes)
In such sad circumstances I but see myself exalted by my own enemies, for in order to defeat some small works of mine they try to make the whole rational medicine and anatomy fall, as if I were myself these noble disciplines (The Who Quotes)
Oh, how small a portion of earth will hold us when we are dead, who ambitiously seek after the whole world while we are living! (The Who Quotes)
At first a small line of inconceivable splendour emerged on the horizon, which, quickly expanding, the sun appeared in all of his glory, unveiling the whole face of nature, vivifying every colour of the landscape, and sprinkling the dewy earth with glittering light (The Who Quotes)
One of the most important lessons that experience teaches is that, on the whole, success depends more upon character than upon either intellect or fortune (The Who Quotes)
In the whole world no poor devil is lynched, no wretch is tortured, in whom I too am not degraded and murdered (The Who Quotes)
There is a peculiar gratification in receiving congratulations from one’s squadron for a victory in the air. It is worth more to a pilot than the applause of the whole outside world (The Who Quotes)
Bringing together disparate personalities to form a team is like a jigsaw puzzle. You have to ask yourself: what is the whole picture here? We want to make sure our players all fit together properly and complement each other, so that we don’t have a big piece, a little piece, an oblong piece, and a round piece. If personalities work against each other, as a team you’ll find yourselves spinning your wheels (The Who Quotes)
It’s going to be intense. This is what we played the whole tournament for, we had to play an extra game but I think that’s a good thing, we got some line combinations working together fairly well now (The Who Quotes)
A mother has far greater influence on her children than anyone else, and she must realize that every word she speaks, every act, every response, her attitude, even her appearance and manner of dress affect the lives of her children and the whole family (The Who Quotes)
A garden is the mirror of a mind. It is a place of life, a mystery of green moving to the pulse of the year, and pressing on and pausing the whole to its own inherent rhythms (The Who Quotes)
Beauty is the adjustment of all parts proportionately so that one cannot add or subtract or change without impairing the harmony of the whole (The Who Quotes)
People talk about skating, puck handling and shooting, but the whole sport is angles and caroms, forgetting the straight direction the puck is going, calculating where it will be directed, factoring in all the interruptions. Basically, my whole game is angles (The Who Quotes)
Attitude is the whole thing in football. Every team has the talent and the coaching. Motivation makes the difference. The teams that win stay healthy and interested (The Who Quotes)
And in that moment I possessed and lost the whole world and everything in it and was left with the feeling and the knowledge, which is love, that no matter how we give ourselves we always end up losing. That to love is to lose, the moment we agree to the bargain. And that, being human, we keep standing there wanting to lose more (The Who Quotes)
The whole world is drunk and we’re just the cocktail of the moment. Someday soon, the world will wake up, down two aspirin with a glass of tomato juice, and wonder what the hell all the fuss was about (The Who Quotes)
Golf tips are like aspirin. One may do you good, but if you swallow the whole bottle you will be lucky to survive (The Who Quotes)
... So, take what’s inside you and make big, bold choices. And for those who can’t speak for themselves, use bold voices. And make friends and love well, bring art to this place. And make this world better for the whole human race (The Who Quotes)
There are only three things you need to let go of judging, controlling, and being right. Release these three and you will have the whole mind and twinkly heart of a child (The Who Quotes)
No man can possibly know what life means, what the world means, until he has a child and loves it. And then the whole universe changes and nothing will ever again seem exactly as it seemed before (The Who Quotes)
Any river is really the summation of the whole valley. To think of it as nothing but water is to ignore the greater part (The Who Quotes)
One person can make all the difference in the world. For the first time in recorded human history, we have the fate of the whole planet in our hands (The Who Quotes)
A great part of art consists in imitation. For the whole conduct of life is based on this: that what we admire in others we want to do ourselves (The Who Quotes)
If we range through the whole territory of nature, and endeavour to extract from each department the rich stores of knowledge and pleasure they respectively contain, we shall not find a more refined or purer source of amusement, or a more interesting and unfailing subject for recreation, than that which the observation and examination of the structure, affinities, and habits of plants and vegetables, afford (The Who Quotes)
The subject should be observed more for shape and color than for drawing... precise drawing is dry and hampers the impression of the whole, it destroys all sensations (The Who Quotes)