The Who Quotes

Text Quotes
Pawns not only create the sketch for the whole painting, they are also the soil, the foundation, of any position (The Who Quotes)
The whole point is, we can forget. It’s important that we forget some things. Otherwise we’d go round the world carrying a hodload of stuff we just don’t need (The Who Quotes)
The ordinary routines of life are never chronicled by the historian, but they make up almost the whole of experience (The Who Quotes)
It is insufficient for architecture today to directly implement an existing building typology; it instead requires architects to carefully examine the whole area with new interventions and programmatic typologies (The Who Quotes)
We play the whole summer. I do think guys should be compensated. Just like I think college players should be compensated as well. Unfortunately, it’s not there. But I think it should be something, you know, there for it (The Who Quotes)
Aren’t you ashamed, you who walk backward along the whole path of existence, and blame me for walking backward along the path of the promenade? (The Who Quotes)
Some of the most flowery praise you hear on the subject of teams is only hypocrisy. Managers learn to talk a good game about teams even when they’re secretly threatened by the whole concept (The Who Quotes)
The whole business starts with ideas, and we’re convinced that ideas come out of an environment of supportive conflict, which is synonymous with appropriate friction (The Who Quotes)
We were idealists. We thought that when we got the vote the whole pattern of politics would be greatly improved and would be dominated by women (The Who Quotes)
While women’s suffrage has not brought about the political millennium which its fondest backers predicted, its effects on the whole have been decidely beneficial (The Who Quotes)
There comes a voluptuous moment when the senses and the whole skin tingle with a sharpened awareness of the body and the world around (The Who Quotes)
We have different experiences, but trans women have experiences that do parallel with the whole fabric of what womanhood is. Embracing trans women, listening to their stories, enriches what womanhood is. It expands it and makes it even better (The Who Quotes)
He went out with a variety of women, slept with some of them, hated the whole meaningless process. Drinks, dinners, plays and concerts and gallery openings... He grew to despise the rigid formality of dating, missed the easy familiarity of simply being with someone, sharing friendly silences and unforced laughter (The Who Quotes)
A good idea turns every cog in your mind, making you scared of bed in case the whole machine grinds to a halt (The Who Quotes)
The greatest challenge of community life is to create synthesis, embracing diversity in a unified whole, resolving differences with the healing spirit of love and dedication to the good of the whole (The Who Quotes)
It doesn’t matter how much you flirt the whole day, at night you’ll always end up thinking about the one you truly love (The Who Quotes)
If you’re overfishing at the top of the food chain, and acidifying the ocean at the bottom, you’re creating a squeeze that could conceivably collapse the whole system (The Who Quotes)
The decisions you make about your work life are especially important, since most people spend more of their waking lives working than doing anything else. Your choices will affect, not only yourself and those closest to you, but in some way the whole world (The Who Quotes)
Emergent properties result from interactions between individual parts, so it follows that a top down analytical approach that begins with the whole and dissects it into its constituent parts is bound to miss precisely those emergent properties (The Who Quotes)
I don’t understand the whole thrilling verse, but I love the way poetry turns ordinary words into winged things that rise up and soar! (The Who Quotes)
We have a problem with several media taking only a part of the reality and not the whole picture. Some media in the world are more critical towards what’s happening than others. It depends on the journalist, it depends how much information they have about the case and which perspective they are asking you from. All of these things can play a role (The Who Quotes)
The early commitments, early recruiting, that had changed. The whole clock is pushed ahead and you have to make decisions earlier about who to and who not to recruit. Is that a good thing I’m not sure, but it is reality (The Who Quotes)
It is totally different. But once we went to 12 teams, that’s just the way it was going to be. It’s just a reality. But I don’t think it’s beyond the realm of possibility that some team can win four games in four days and win the whole thing (The Who Quotes)
For the whole earth is the tomb of famous men; not only are they commemorated by columns and inscriptions in their own country, but in foreign lands there dwells also an unwritten memorial of them, graven not on stone but in the hearts of men (The Who Quotes)
The whole idea is to get an edge. Sometimes it takes just a little extra something to get that edge, but you have to have it (The Who Quotes)
And what more should I say since it expels the whole host of the virtues from the chamber of the human heart and introduces every barbarous vice as if the bolts of the doors were pulled out (The Who Quotes)
My dream was actually just to have a computer some day. If I’d imagined that it meant starting a company to sell them, I probably would have avoided the whole thing (The Who Quotes)
You may be able to write a novel, you may not. You will never know until you have worked very hard indeed and written at least part of it. You will never really know until you have written the whole of it and submitted it for publication (The Who Quotes)
Film is the greatest teacher because it teaches not only through the brain but through the whole body (The Who Quotes)
For me, there was no great myth around the movies when I was a young child. My father was very simple about the whole thing. He did not consider cinema an art. Cinema was entertainment. Literature and music were art (The Who Quotes)