The worst of all knaves are those who can mimic their former honesty

The worst of all knaves are those who can mimic their former honesty
Johann Kaspar Lavater was a Swiss poet, philosopher, and theologian who was known for his work on physiognomy, the art of judging character from facial features. He believed that a person's true character could be revealed through their physical appearance, and that one's inner qualities would eventually manifest themselves outwardly.In the context of Lavater's beliefs, the quote "The worst of all knaves are those who can mimic their former honesty" takes on a particularly sinister meaning. Lavater would have likely seen such individuals as dangerous and deceitful, capable of manipulating others through their ability to appear trustworthy and honest.
For Lavater, honesty and integrity were of utmost importance in determining a person's character. He believed that true virtue could not be faked or imitated, and that those who attempted to do so were the lowest of the low. To him, a person who could mimic their former honesty was not only a knave, but a coward as well, hiding behind a facade of respectability while secretly engaging in deceitful and dishonest behavior.
In today's world, where appearances can be easily manipulated through social media and other forms of technology, Lavater's warning about those who can mimic their former honesty is more relevant than ever. It is all too easy for individuals to present a false image of themselves to the world, hiding their true intentions and motivations behind a carefully crafted facade of virtue.