Theodor Adorno Quotes

Text Quotes
Normality is death (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
Proletarian language is dictated by hunger. The poor chew words to fill their bellies (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
Tact is the discrimination of differences. It consists in conscious deviations (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
The first and only principle of sexual ethics: the accuser is always in the wrong (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
The gods look in pleasure on penitent sinners (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
The hardest hit, as everywhere, are those who have no choice (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
The individual mirrors in his individuation the preordained social laws of exploitation, however mediated (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
The joke of our time is the suicide of intention (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
The recent past always presents itself as if destroyed by catastrophes (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
The specific is not exclusive: it lacks the aspiration to totality (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
The splinter in your eye is the best magnifying-glass (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
There is no love that is not an echo (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
Thinking no longer means anymore than checking at each moment whether one can indeed think (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
To say 'we' and mean 'I' is one of the most recondite insults (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
True thoughts are those alone which do not understand themselves (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
When all actions are mathematically calculated, they also take on a stupid quality (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
Fear and destructiveness are the major emotional sources of fascism, eros belongs mainly to democracy (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
To write poetry after Auschwitz is barbaric (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
There is no true life within a false life (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
People know what they want because they know what other people want (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
Laughing in the cultural industry is mockery of happiness (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
Dissonance is the truth about harmony (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
There is no right life in the wrong one (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
Very evil people cannot really be imagined dying (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
The sublime is only a step removed from the ridiculous (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
One must have tradition in oneself, to hate it properly (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
Of the world as it exists, it is not possible to be enough afraid (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
The law of the innermost form of the essay is heresy (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
Love is the ability to discover similarities in the dis-similar. The audience has a right not to be fooled - even if it insists on being fooled (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
The noiseless din that we have long known in dreams, booms at us in waking hours from newspaper headlines (Theodor Adorno Quotes)