Theodor Adorno Quotes

Text Quotes
The task of art today is to bring chaos into order. Artistic productivity is the capacity for being voluntarily involuntary (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
Newness only becomes mere evil in its totalitarian format, where all the tension between individual and society, that once gave rise to the category of the new, is dissipated. Today the appeal to newness, of no matter what kind, provided only that it is archaic enough, has become universal, the omnipresent medium of false mimesis. The decomposition of the subject is consummated in his self-abandonment to an ever-changing sameness (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
Suffering has as much right to be expressed as a martyr has to cry out. So it may have been false to say that writing poetry after Auschwitz is impossible (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
In the general tendency toward specialization, philosophy too has established itself as a specialized discipline, one purified of all specific content. In so doing, philosophy has denied its own constitutive concept: the intellectual freedom that does not obey the dictates of specialized knowledge (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
The invocation of science, of its ground rules, of the exclusive validity of the methods that science has now completely become, now constitutes a surveillance authority punishing free, uncoddled, undisciplined thought and tolerating nothing of mental activity other than what has been methodologically sanctioned. Science and scholarship, the medium of autonomy, has degenerated into an instrument of heteronomy (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
Jazz is the false liquidation of art - instead of utopia becoming reality it disappears from the picture. (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
To hate destructiveness, one must hate life as well: only death is an image of undistorted life ... organic life is an illness peculiar to our unlovely planet. (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
The bourgeois ... is tolerant. His love for people as they are stems from his hatred of what they might be. (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
Freedom would be not to choose between black and white but to abjure such prescribed choices (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
An emancipated society, on the other hand, would not be a unitary state, but the realization of universality in the reconciliation of differences (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
A pencil and rubber are of more use to thought than a battalion of assistants. To happiness the same applies as to truth: one does not have it, but is in it (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
Art is permitted to survive only if it renounces the right to be different, and integrates itself into the omnipotent realm of the profane (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
He who stands aloof runs the risk of believing himself better than others and misusing his critique of society as an ideology for his private interest (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
If time is money, it seems moral to save time, above all one's own, and such parsimony is excused by consideration for others. One is straight-forward (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
Not only is the self entwined in society; it owes society its existence in the most literal sense (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
Only a humanity to whom death has become as indifferent as its members, that has itself died, can inflict it administratively on innumerable people (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
Quality is decided by the depth at which the work incorporates the alternatives within itself, and so masters them (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
The good man is he who rules himself as he does his own property: his autonomous being is modelled on material power (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
All satire is blind to the forces liberated by decay. Which is why total decay has absorbed the forces of satire (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
Because thought has by now been perverted into the solving of assigned problems, even what is not assigned is processed like a problem (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
Dialectic thought is an attempt to break through the coercion of logic by its own means (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
Fascism is itself less 'ideological', in so far as it openly proclaims the principle of domination that is elsewhere concealed (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
He who has loved and who betrays love does harm not only to the image of the past, but to the past itself (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
In his state of complete powerlessness the individual perceives the time he has left to live as a brief reprieve (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
In the end, glorification of splendid underdogs is nothing other than glorification of the splendid system that makes them so (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
Insane sects grow with the same rhythm as big organizations. It is the rhythm of total destruction (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
Lies are told only to convey to someone that one has no need either of him or his good opinion (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
Once the last trace of emotion has been eradicated, nothing remains of thought but absolute tautology (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
The culture industry not so much adapts to the reactions of its customers as it counterfeits them (Theodor Adorno Quotes)
The human is indissolubly linked with imitation: a human being only becomes human at all by imitating other human beings (Theodor Adorno Quotes)