There are no galley-slaves in the royal vessel of divine love - every man works his oar voluntarily!

There are no galley-slaves in the royal vessel of divine love - every man works his oar voluntarily!
Saint Francis de Sales was a 16th-century bishop and Doctor of the Church known for his gentle and compassionate approach to spirituality. He believed in the power of divine love to transform lives and saw every person as capable of experiencing this love. His famous quote, "There are no galley-slaves in the royal vessel of divine love - every man works his oar voluntarily," reflects his belief in the freedom and agency of individuals in their spiritual journey.In the context of Saint Francis de Sales, this quote can be understood as a call to embrace the grace and love of God willingly and wholeheartedly. He believed that God's love is freely given to all, and it is up to each person to accept and respond to this love. Just as galley-slaves are forced to row against their will, Saint Francis de Sales reminds us that true love cannot be coerced or imposed upon us. Instead, it is a gift that we must choose to receive and reciprocate.
Saint Francis de Sales also emphasizes the idea of personal responsibility in the spiritual life. Each individual is called to work their oar voluntarily, meaning that they must actively participate in their own spiritual growth and development. This requires a willingness to engage in prayer, reflection, and self-examination, as well as a commitment to living out the teachings of Christ in everyday life.
Furthermore, the image of the royal vessel suggests that divine love is a noble and majestic force that guides and sustains us on our journey. Just as a ship relies on the coordinated efforts of its crew to navigate the seas, so too do we rely on the grace of God and the support of our fellow believers to navigate the challenges of life. By working together in harmony and unity, we can experience the fullness of God's love and bring about positive change in the world.