There are people who so arrange their lives that they feed themselves only on side dishes

There are people who so arrange their lives that they feed themselves only on side dishes
In his essay "Meditations on Quixote," Spanish philosopher José Ortega y Gasset discusses the concept of people who only consume side dishes in their lives. This metaphorical idea suggests that there are individuals who focus solely on the superficial aspects of life, neglecting the main course or essence of existence.Ortega y Gasset argues that these individuals are content with living a shallow and unfulfilling life, as they are satisfied with the superficial pleasures and distractions that side dishes provide. They fail to engage with the deeper, more meaningful aspects of life, such as personal growth, self-discovery, and intellectual pursuits. Instead, they are content to indulge in trivial pursuits and distractions that offer temporary satisfaction but do not contribute to their overall well-being or fulfillment.
These individuals may prioritize material possessions, social status, or external validation over personal development and self-awareness. They may seek out instant gratification and avoid confronting the complexities and challenges of life. By focusing solely on side dishes, they miss out on the richness and depth that the main course of life has to offer.
Ortega y Gasset suggests that these individuals are ultimately limiting themselves and missing out on the true essence of existence. By neglecting the main course of life, they are depriving themselves of the opportunity to engage with their inner selves, cultivate meaningful relationships, and pursue their passions and interests.