There must always remain something that is antagonistic to good

There must always remain something that is antagonistic to good
In Plato's philosophy, the idea that there must always remain something antagonistic to good is a central theme that is explored in various dialogues, most notably in "The Republic" and "Phaedo". Plato believed that the world is divided into two realms: the realm of the Forms, which represents the ultimate reality and perfection, and the physical world, which is imperfect and constantly changing.According to Plato, the physical world is a mere reflection of the Forms, and as such, it is inherently flawed and imperfect. This imperfection is what gives rise to the existence of evil and antagonism in the world. In "The Republic", Plato argues that the human soul is divided into three parts: reason, spirit, and desire. Reason represents the rational part of the soul that seeks truth and goodness, while spirit represents the emotional and passionate part of the soul that can be easily swayed by external influences. Desire, on the other hand, represents the appetitive part of the soul that is driven by base instincts and desires.
Plato believed that in order to achieve true goodness and virtue, one must strive to overcome the antagonistic forces within oneself and align the three parts of the soul in harmony with reason. However, he also recognized that this is a difficult and ongoing struggle, as the physical world is filled with temptations and distractions that can lead one astray from the path of virtue.