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There's beggary in the love that can be reckoned

There's beggary in the love that can be reckoned Picture Quote #1

There's beggary in the love that can be reckoned

In William Shakespeare's play, "Antony and Cleopatra," the line "There's beggary in the love that can be reckoned" is spoken by Cleopatra as she reflects on the nature of her relationship with Antony. This line encapsulates the idea that true love cannot be measured or quantified, and that attempting to do so diminishes its value.

Throughout the play, Cleopatra and Antony's love is portrayed as passionate, intense, and all-consuming. Their love transcends social norms and expectations, leading them to make reckless decisions and sacrifices in the name of their relationship. Cleopatra's statement reflects the idea that their love is so profound and powerful that it cannot be reduced to mere material or superficial considerations.

The word "beggary" in this context suggests a sense of poverty or lack, implying that love that can be reckoned or measured is somehow deficient or lacking in comparison to true, unbridled passion. Cleopatra is essentially saying that love that can be easily understood or quantified is not worth pursuing, as it lacks the depth and intensity that true love possesses.

Shakespeare often explores the complexities of love and relationships in his works, and "Antony and Cleopatra" is no exception. The play delves into the themes of power, politics, and passion, and the characters of Antony and Cleopatra serve as a powerful example of the destructive and transformative nature of love.
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