They told me to fight the monsters so I loaded the gun and pulled the trigger

They told me to fight the monsters so I loaded the gun and pulled the trigger
When they told me to fight the monsters, I didn't realize they were talking about the demons inside my own mind. The darkness that consumed me, the thoughts that haunted me day and night. I didn't know how to fight them, how to make them go away. So when they handed me the gun and told me to pull the trigger, I didn't hesitate.I loaded the gun with the intention of ending the battle that raged within me. The constant struggle to keep going, to keep fighting against the monsters that threatened to consume me whole. I felt like I had no other choice, no other way out of the darkness that surrounded me.
As I held the gun in my trembling hands, I felt a sense of calm wash over me. The weight of the world lifted off my shoulders as I prepared to pull the trigger. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to steel myself for what was to come.
But as my finger hovered over the trigger, a voice in the back of my mind whispered, "This isn't the answer. This isn't the way to fight the monsters." And in that moment, I realized that I didn't have to face the demons alone. I didn't have to fight them with violence and destruction.
I slowly lowered the gun, feeling the weight of it in my hands. I knew that pulling the trigger wouldn't make the monsters disappear. It would only create more pain and suffering for those around me. I couldn't let my struggles consume me to the point of taking my own life.
Instead, I reached out for help. I sought therapy, medication, and support from loved ones. I learned healthy coping mechanisms and ways to manage my mental health. I found the strength to face the monsters head-on, to confront them with courage and resilience.
They told me to fight the monsters, and I did. But I didn't do it with a gun. I did it with love, with compassion, and with the knowledge that I am not alone in this battle. And for that, I am grateful.