Thick Quotes
Text Quotes
I love paper. A nice thick pile of it and a pencil, and I’m content. (Thick Quotes)
A thick skin is a gift from God (Thick Quotes)
I believe books should be like a prime rib steak ~ good and thick (Thick Quotes)
Every time the light turns green, stay in the thick of competition (Thick Quotes)
You cannot do what I do for a living without having a thick skin (Thick Quotes)
I bear my burden proudly for all to see, to conquer prejudice and ignorance and hate with knowledge and sincerity and love. Whenever you are threatened by a hostile presence, you emit a thick cloud of love like an octopus squirts out ink (Thick Quotes)
We may have a better reflection of ourselves in the mirror depending on how thick the opaque substance behind it is; the lighter the substance, the poorer the image; the thicker the substance, the better the image (Thick Quotes)
I have more often as my companion "darkness". And when the night becomes very thick and it seems to me as if I will end up in hell then I simply offer myself to Jesus (Thick Quotes)
Who has fully realized that history is not contained in thick books but lives in our very blood? (Thick Quotes)
If you take pride in your attainment or become discouraged because of your idealistic effort, your practice will confine you by a thick wall (Thick Quotes)
He made darkness his secret place; his pavilion round about him were dark waters and thick clouds of the skies (Thick Quotes)
But Jeshurun waxed fat, and kicked: thou art waxen fat, thou art grown thick, thou art covered with fatness; then he forsook God which made him, and lightly esteemed the Rock of his salvation (Thick Quotes)
The stones themselves are thick with history, and those cats that dash through the alleyways must surely be the ghosts of the famous dead in feline disguise (Thick Quotes)
But where corpses were buried secretly, there the grass grows thick; such signs (and there are ever so many others!) may be read by those to whom truth is more important than beauty (Thick Quotes)
A woman moved is like a fountain troubled, muddy, ill seeming, thick, bereft of beauty, and while it is so, none so dry or thirsty will deign to sip or touch one drop of it (Thick Quotes)
Make thick my blood, stop up the access and passage to remorse; that no compunctious visitings of nature shake my fell purpose (Thick Quotes)
Writing fiction has developed in me an abiding respect for the unknown in a human lifetime and a sense of where to look for the threads, how to follow, how to connect, find in the thick of the tangle what clear line persists (Thick Quotes)
Whenever nature leaves a hole in a person's mind, she generally plasters it over with a thick coat of self conceit (Thick Quotes)
He makes a July's day short as December, and with his varying childness cures in me thoughts that would thick my blood (Thick Quotes)
Come, thick night, and pall thee in the dunnest smoke of hell! That my keen knife see not the wound it makes nor heaven peep through the blanket of the dark to cry, hold, hold! (Thick Quotes)
I have pretty thick skin, and I think if you're going to be in this business, if you're going to be an actor or a writer, you better have a thick skin (Thick Quotes)
Around and around the house the leaves fall thick, but never fast, for they come circling down with a dead lightness that is somber and slow (Thick Quotes)
In this business you have to develop a thick skin, but I'm always going to feel everything. It's my nature (Thick Quotes)
Experience, already reduced to a group of impressions, is ringed round for each one of us by that thick wall of personality through which no real voice has ever pierced on it's way to us, or from us to that which we can only conjecture to be without (Thick Quotes)
Grieve not the Christ of God, who redeems us; and remember that we grieve Him most when we will not let Him pour His love upon us, but turn a sullen, unresponsive unbelief towards His pleading grace, as some glacier shuts out the sunshine from the mountain side with it's thick ribbed ice (Thick Quotes)
Blow, winds, and crack your cheeks! Rage! Blow! You cataracts and hurricanoes, spout till you have drenched our teeples, drowned the cocks! You sulphurour and thought-executing fires, vaunt-couriers to oak-cleaving thunderbolts, singe my white head! And thou, all-shaking thunder, strike flat the thick rotundity o' the world! Crack nature's molds, all germens spill at once that make ingrateful man! (Thick Quotes)
This is the state of man: today he puts forth the tender leaves of hope; tomorrow blossoms and bears his blushing honours thick upon him; the third day comes a frost, a killing frost, and, when he thinks, good easy man, fully surely his greatness is a-ripening, nips his root, and then he falls as I do (Thick Quotes)
Thick around thunders the sport of those, who with the gun and dog, impatient bounding at the shot, worse than the season desolate the fields (Thick Quotes)
At moments of wonder, it is easy to avoid small thinking, to entertain thoughts that span the universe, that capture both thunder and tinkle, thick and thin, the near and the far (Thick Quotes)
The ocean is a place of skin, rich outer membranes hiding thick juicy insides, laden with the soup of being (Thick Quotes)