Thing Big Quotes

Text Quotes
This is your captain speaking. Welcome aboard flight... one, from... here to there. We’ll be cruising at a height of ten feet, going up to twelve and a half feet if we see anything big. And our copilot today is a flask of coffee (Thing Big Quotes)
Writing is like hunting. There are brutally cold afternoons with nothing in sight, only the wind and your breaking heart. Then the moment when you bag something big. The entire process is beyond intoxicating (Thing Big Quotes)
She had wanted more than she could have. She had wanted him, and more... she had wanted him to want her. In the name of something bigger than tradition, bolder than reputation, more important than a silly title (Thing Big Quotes)
Maybe that’s what religion is, hurling yourself off a cliff and trusting that something bigger will take care of you and carry you to the right place (Thing Big Quotes)
I have discovered there are only a handful of good ideas in the whole world. You already know them. You have heard them your entire life. Here are some of the main keys to being more successful: Take personal responsibility. Things change, so be flexible. Work smart and work hard. Serve others well. Be nice to others. Be optimistic. Have goals; want something big for yourself. Stay focused. Keep learning. Become excellent at what you do. Trust your gut. When in doubt, take action. Earn all you can. Save all you can. Give all you can. Enjoy all you’ve got. Above all keep it simple (Thing Big Quotes)
I am too busy with my cause to hate too absorbed in something bigger than myself. I have no time to quarrel, no time for regrets and no man can force me to stoop low enough to hate him (Thing Big Quotes)
There is always a struggle, a striving for something bigger than yourself in all forms of art. And even if you don’t achieve greatness, even if you fail, which we all must, everything you do in your work is somehow connected with your attitude toward life (Thing Big Quotes)
Try to overcome your doubt. Believe you are beautiful. Look at yourself through someone else’s green eyes. Believe someone out there will find you and kiss your skin until you can feel it blister with the heat. Believe in something bigger than your problems and you will be saved (Thing Big Quotes)
It’s okay to love something bigger than yourself without fearing it. Anything worth loving is bigger than we are anyway (Thing Big Quotes)
There is one thing we know about meaning, that meaning consists in attachment to something bigger than you are. The larger the thing that you can credibly attach yourself to, the more meaning you get out of life (Thing Big Quotes)
Is success just about winning? Acclaim? Trophies? Wealth? Our personal happiness or satisfaction? I have been blessed to experience some of these over the years, and I can answer without batting an eye: No. Accomplishments, applause, awards and fortune are rewards that often come as the result of hard work and a determined spirit, but there is something bigger. Something better. Something that will outlast the winningest season, the plushest corner office, the heftiest bonus and the loudest cheers. That something can only be found when we look beyond the final score (Thing Big Quotes)
Join the bold, the brazen, the unintimidated. Join not having excuses. Join the idea that fun is the source of all joy. Join the unwillingness to give up. Join doing things your way. Join not joining. Join that purpose is stronger than outcome. Join your gut. Join the constant challenge of seeking greatness. Join play. Join the hunger to find what makes you happy. Join karma and nature and the effect you have on your world. Join your philosophy. Join something bigger than you. Join what you believe (Thing Big Quotes)
The greatest rewards come when you give of yourself. It’s about bettering the lives of others, being part of something bigger than yourself, and making a positive difference (Thing Big Quotes)
Writing well isn’t just a question of winsome expression, but of having found something big and true to say and having found the right words to say it in, of having seen something large and having found the right words to say it small, small enough to enter an individual mind so that the strong ideas of what the words are saying sound like sweet reason (Thing Big Quotes)
I wanna be a part of the generation that throws out money, throws out time, throws out all that we are against something bigger than ourselves (Thing Big Quotes)
We dance to reclaim our brilliant ability to disappear in something bigger, something safe, a space without a critic or a judge or an analyst (Thing Big Quotes)
Each of us is a moving center, a space of divine mystery. And though we spend most of our time on the surface in the daily details of ordinary existence, most us hunger to connect to this space within, to break through to bliss, to be swept away into something bigger than us (Thing Big Quotes)
You think you got something big to say? Something momentous? Or is it what you had to memorize in order to escape the men with lightning in their eyes? (Thing Big Quotes)
For me, the reason why people go to a mountaintop or go to the edge of the ocean is to look at something larger than themselves. That feeling of awe, of going to a cathedral, it’s all about feeling lost in something bigger than oneself. To me, that’s the definition of spectacle (Thing Big Quotes)
Arnold was a dog’s dog. Whenever he shuffled along walks and through alleyways, he always gave the impression of being on to something big (Thing Big Quotes)
Drama is drama, and it’s really... if it’s something small, you put a magnifying glass up to it; if it’s something big, you use a wide lens (Thing Big Quotes)
Don’t look at the big picture as the only achievement. Start with set, smart goals and work up to something bigger (Thing Big Quotes)
If you want to do something big in your life, you must remember that shyness is only the mind. If you think shy, you act shy. If you think confident you act confident. Therefore never let shyness conquer your mind (Thing Big Quotes)
I want to tell people how to live spiritually. After you’ve bought all your houses and your clothes, you want something bigger (Thing Big Quotes)
I want to be a little more dramatic nowadays. I definitely want something big and funny, but I look for things that can just have people see me in a different light and let me mature as both an entertainer and an actor and a comedian (Thing Big Quotes)
I know, speaking for myself, no matter what I’m able to do, no matter what book comes out and ends up on paper, I always had something bigger and grander in my head (Thing Big Quotes)
What happens to each of my female heroes, certainly, is they find something bigger than themselves that they are honored to serve. It’s not giving up your family (Thing Big Quotes)
I mean, you know, sometimes, yeah, you wish for something and you don’t get quite what you wish for. But you get something bigger and better (Thing Big Quotes)
Studying the universe engages us in something bigger than ourselves. Science tries to describe, in terms we can only grasp intuitively, things that are beyond our intuition.... all we can hope for is that our physical descriptions, like a song or a good painting, are a faithful evocation of some ineffable truth (Thing Big Quotes)
Black people loving and losing is something we don’t see enough of. We’re always in these heightened situations like something big is happening, something funny or something violent. And you know what? Sometimes we die of breast cancer or a broken heart. Things happen that are just not being explored cinematically. It’s time we reinvigorated that type of film (Thing Big Quotes)