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Things Change Quotes

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Either things grow and change or they die  (Things Change Quotes) Things do not change; we change  (Things Change Quotes) I guess some things never change  (Things Change Quotes) Fearless is knowing that someday things will change  (Things Change Quotes) I think many monks hesitate to change things  (Things Change Quotes) I don’t change. The things around me change.  (Things Change Quotes) Things can change so fast on the internet  (Things Change Quotes) Though things change, the future’s still inside of me  (Things Change Quotes) Observe constantly that all things take place by change  (Things Change Quotes) If you will change, things will change for you  (Things Change Quotes) I know that nothing is destructible; things merely change forms  (Things Change Quotes) Enjoy every moment: you never know when things might change  (Things Change Quotes) Unless someone like you comes around, things will never change  (Things Change Quotes) Things which do not grow and change are dead things  (Things Change Quotes) The more things change, the more they are the same  (Things Change Quotes) All things must change to something new, to something strange  (Things Change Quotes) Rebellion is obsolete - change things from the inside working out  (Things Change Quotes) A change is brought about because ordinary people do extraordinary things  (Things Change Quotes) Change is the nature of all objective things  (Things Change Quotes) I think your ambition for something changes as you go  (Things Change Quotes) A: Everything changes. B: But not enough  (Things Change Quotes) Nothing changes until it becomes what it is  (Things Change Quotes) Things change. And friends leave. Life doesn’t stop for anybody  (Things Change Quotes) Things change when you’re not in danger anymore  (Things Change Quotes) The more things change, the more they stay different  (Things Change Quotes) Things change all the time, mostly in little ways  (Things Change Quotes) All things change, nothing perishes  (Things Change Quotes) Things change that’s the way it is  (Things Change Quotes) Every day things change, but basically they stay the same  (Things Change Quotes) Only love and death will change all things  (Things Change Quotes)
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