Things Happen Quotes

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I tell you these stories because these things happen to everyone. It’s not about being starched or polished or cute or polite. It’s about having ears that stick out, about breaking yet another glass. It’s about seeing something for the first time and making a million mistakes and not ever getting completely discouraged (Things Happen Quotes)
You have a valid complaint, and I do recognize it... but you are reading into things a little bit. Just the same, I will do my best to make horrible things happen to a bunch of white people before something else so graphic hits a minority character (Things Happen Quotes)
Destiny is for losers. It’s just a lame excuse for letting things happen to you instead of making them happen (Things Happen Quotes)
I loved her for so long. Our past trails behind us like a comet’s tail, the future stretched out before us like the universe. Things happen. People get lost and love breaks (Things Happen Quotes)
You know, class is like magic. There’s nothing there you can point to, it evaporates if you try to analyse it, but it’s real and it affects how people behave and makes things happen (Things Happen Quotes)
Rule number one: Always stick around for one more drink. That’s when things happen. That’s when you find out everything you want to know (Things Happen Quotes)
Almost certainly I will not tell her my intentions this evening or tonight. I will put it off. Why? Because words are actions and they make things happen. Once they are out you cannot put them back (Things Happen Quotes)
I believe in fate and I believe that things happen for a reason but I don’t think that there’s a high power, necessarily. I believe in karma very much though (Things Happen Quotes)
Things happen when people are not where they belong, and the world moves forward and back by that principle (Things Happen Quotes)
Bad things happen to good people all the time. It sucks. It’s not fair but then much of life isn’t fair. It’s how you live that matters. It’s how you deal with the bumps in the road (Things Happen Quotes)
Sometimes in life, you have to make things happen. That you can change your life if you’re willing to let go of the old and actively look for the new. That even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there (Things Happen Quotes)
Things don’t just happen, they have reasons. And the reasons have reasons. And the reasons for the reasons have reasons. And then the things that happen make other things happen, so they become reasons themselves. Nothing moves forward in a straight line, nothing is straightforward (Things Happen Quotes)
Real life is not quite as it is in stories. In the old tales, bad things happen, and when the tale has unfolded and come to its triumphant conclusion, it is as if the bad things had never been. Life is not as simple as that, not quite (Things Happen Quotes)
Covetousness, anger and foolishness are things to sort out well. When bad things happen in the world, if you look at them comparatively, they are not unrelated to these three things (Things Happen Quotes)
Interesting things happen when the creative impulse is cultivated with curiosity, freedom and intensity (Things Happen Quotes)
I’m going to give you a little advice. There’s a force in the universe that makes things happen. And all you have to do is get in touch with it, stop thinking, let things happen, and be the ball (Things Happen Quotes)
When everything in your life is right on track, it’s easy to believe that things happen for a reason. It’s easy to have faith. But when things start to go wrong, then it’s very hard to hold on to that faith. It’s hard not to wonder who’s reasons these things are happening for (Things Happen Quotes)
I’m a fatalist. I believe things happen for a reason, that you attract people and situations that are meant to fulfil your path (Things Happen Quotes)
The political class can’t imagine a decentralized world where good things happen... without them. But in the real world, that’s exactly how good things happen, and how jobs are created. When government sets simple rules that everyone understands and then gets out of the way, free people create jobs (Things Happen Quotes)
If we observe genuinely happy people, we shall find that they do not just sit around being contented. They make things happen. They pursue new understandings, seek new achievements, and control their thoughts and feelings. In sum, our intentional, effortful activities have a powerful effect on how happy we are, over and above the effects of our set points and the circumstances in which we find themselves. If an unhappy person wants to experience interest, enthusiasm, contentment, peace, and joy, he or she can make it happen by learning the habits of a happy person (Things Happen Quotes)
When you are writing laws you are testing words to find their utmost power. Like spells, they have to make things happen in the real world, and like spells, they only work if people believe in them (Things Happen Quotes)
You’ve got to be uncomfortable and rise to different occasions in order to become your best. No one is born a hero, but things happen and your response makes you a hero. It’s instinctual, it’s something that you may not even realize is there (Things Happen Quotes)
I think I got a lot of life skills; I got a lot of wisdom; I’ve seen a lot of bad things happen to a lot of good people (Things Happen Quotes)
You can’t just turn on when something happens, you have to be turned on all the time. Then things happen (Things Happen Quotes)
All things happen in their proper time. Everything in life happens in the time allocated for it. Don’t waste energy worrying about end results. Worrying only distracts you from living day to day and enjoying life! (Things Happen Quotes)
At certain junctures in the course of existence, unique moments occur when everyone and everything, even the most distant stars, combine to bring about something that could not have happened before and will never happen again. Few people know how to take advantage of these critical moments, unfortunately, and they often pass unnoticed. When someone does recognize them, however, great things happen in the world (Things Happen Quotes)
The dreams are that you’re gonna have a great series and win. The nightmares are that you’re gonna let the winning run score on a ground ball through your legs. Those things happen, you know. I think a lot of it is just fate (Things Happen Quotes)
If I waited for a proper occasion to get dressed up I’d never wear half of these clothes. Put on the clothes and you make things happen to match them. It doesn’t work the other way around (Things Happen Quotes)
Dreams are lovely. But they are just dreams. Fleeting, ephemeral, pretty. But dreams do not come true just because you dream them. It’s hard work that makes things happen. It’s hard work that creates change (Things Happen Quotes)
Don’t close the book when bad things happen in your life! Just turn the page and start a new chapter! (Things Happen Quotes)