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Think of suffering as being washed

Think of suffering as being washed Picture Quote #1

Think of suffering as being washed

In the mystical poetry of Hafez, the concept of suffering is often portrayed as a transformative experience, akin to being washed clean of impurities. Hafez, a 14th-century Persian poet, is known for his profound insights into the human experience and his ability to convey complex emotions through his poetry. In many of his verses, he uses the metaphor of washing to describe the process of purifying the soul and achieving spiritual enlightenment.

When Hafez speaks of suffering as being washed, he is suggesting that through the trials and tribulations of life, one can shed their worldly attachments and emerge purified and renewed. Just as water cleanses the body of dirt and grime, suffering can cleanse the soul of negative emotions and ego-driven desires. By enduring hardship and facing adversity with grace and resilience, one can transcend their limitations and reach a higher state of consciousness.

In one of his most famous poems, Hafez writes:

"Think of suffering as being washed
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